
Did the editors tack on that first sentence or two? Or is there a mandate to use the word Trump in more articles or something? There’s literally no possible connection with politics. It’s just that - shocker - live musicals are complicated to produce and aren’t that popular. It’s something of a limited audience. I

Personally my favorite thing is how Lavar suddenly vanished when Lebron showed up.

Yea. This was a stupid article. It’s definitely true that those 10-year deals have pretty much never been worth it; they’ve always been a disaster over the last 1/2 to 1/4. Why would owners be obligated to give out that length of a contract? It’s dumb. For the record, it’s not good for fans either; no one likes to

This is from a while ago, but there are really good reasons not to put 20% down on a house. It locks up a ton of capital for no reason, and it’s prohibitively difficult to save that much in competitive real estate markets. As long as you’re able to swing a reasonable fixed interest rate there’s nothing wrong with

That’s the only possible upside to this.... We can only hope.

Yea, he’s so good in Silicon Valley, but it’s increasingly obvious that pretty much everyone in that show seems like they’re a lot funnier than they really are because Mike Judge put them in a perfect position. He is ridiculously good at seeing a great characteristics or aspect of an actor, then crafting a role around

Yea... she’s also the liberal equivalent. Or will be in like 1-2 years, if she survives her re-elect. I didn’t think it was possible to find someone as insufferably stupid and obnoxious as Ted Cruz. Let’s call this a victory for bipartisanship.

I really, really hope so. the whole problem with everything about the Lynch version is that minor, unnecessary things are unforgettable (and exclusively by being bizarre and disgusting) while everything significant in the movie is completely forgettable. No one remembers anything about that movie aside from various

This sounds about right. Personally I was expecting the Splinter reaction to declare Schumer a coward for not attempting to murder Trump on live TV.

This is unbelievably stupid even for ESPN, but it’s almost certainly the case that this piece of idiocy occurred because some video editor wanted more colors so the cartoon soldiers don’t blend together and some sound editor/intern was unlucky enough to google an old-timey sounding song that ended up have a lot of

2 seconds after camera was gone, Beto put his jacket back on.

If this is even remotely true it’s a pretty terrible indictment of the park service. It’s been like 2 weeks... If a park can’t survive for a brief period of time without government workers, it probably deserves to sink into the geyser, until the super-volcano spits it back out again.

This works for most phillip k. dick stories. He had unbelievably good ideas and was stylistically great, in his own way, but could never write a coherent narrative from beginning to end. Something is always missing. It kind of works for him, as it meshes well with his general goal of complicating reality in many

Have to be getting close to this. It’s the only way the NCAA can handle paying athletes too. Scale salaries by program tier. Top-tier mega-conference (maybe the best 20-30 programs? not sure the optimal number) pays highest, lower tiers pay less. Keep some recruiting/rostering restrictions to prevent even more talent

Can we please, somehow, do away with the bias against having too many teams from one conference in the playoff now? Forcing in teams just makes for boring semi-finals. Maybe expanding the playoff is the only way to do it, but 3 SEC teams could easily have been in the playoff according to objective quality. Pretty

The important thing is that he knows the system. He’s NFL ready. He’s mature, scrappy, probably a coach’s son.

How is this even controversial? It’s a corporate theme song for a football telecast. I’m sure she didn’t write it and probably had very little to do with it, aside from performing on a sound-stage somewhere. Of course it sucks. Personally I’ve never understood why there are theme songs for football broadcasts anyway.

Yea this list is way down in the weeds; Ready Player One was merely generic and competent, which is not really worst movie of the year material. Now, as for a list of overrated movies (and books), we have a conversation. Or if not overrated, at least given an excessive amount of credit, well out of proportion with the

Still sounding promising; only worrying bit is that Brian Herbert is somehow involved. I’m really, really hoping that his involvement is limited to reading the script and that the production company is just keeping him in the loop to be nice / make sure he keeps approving projects given his control over the IP.

This is all true, but ‘turning the vote over to the people’ would be a disaster. The problem here is that too many crazy people get to vote, not too few. The deeper problem is that there’s no good criteria for what makes someone “worthy” of the hall of fame, and there never has been.