
“Cline, “does not dispute that she repeatedly hacked into our clients’ accounts for years.”

The judge’s decision is a powerful mark against the familiar idea that, as Seltzer wrote, ‘important, authoritative female novelists ultimately owe their brilliance to men.’”

Neither. Sicario 2 was a bad idea because it wasn’t directed by Denis Villeneuve (and Roger Deakins ain’t no slouch either).

Blunt is a brilliant actress and a welcome addition to pretty much anything but this explanation seems reasonable to me.  How would you include her character without having her either completely abandon any remaining morality or making her the antagonist?  

I think this is a bit of chicken and egg thing—is the Sicario sequel a bad idea because it doesn’t feature Emily Blunt, or is the fact that it makes no sense for Emily Blunt to be involved in a sequel a sign of why it’s a bad idea?

It makes perfect sense to not bring her back. I mean, no one liked Sicario 2, but her arc was pretty much done. It’s not like she’s going to go “hey, guy who I accidentally helped kill some innocent children, you want to partner up again?”, she doesn’t need to always be there.

“Jews” were not anything, as millions of people tend not to have the exact same position on assimilation or any other issue. We were definitely not exactly like Christians minus church.

I honestly didn’t even realize at first that she only won the primary, not a special election. Everyone was making a huge deal out of it and acting like she won the Congressional seat already. I know it’s NYC but still- call me when the final election is over.

I agree, but I was disturbed by how quickly some of the women who were accusing him seemed to write off what happened to him. Being violently raped as a child is much, much worse than having a shitty boyfriend who gaslights you. I was forcibly kissed by a complete stranger when I was 15 and it was confusing and

Even then it seemed clear he was justifying his sociopathic gaslighting of his partners with his childhood molestation. Too many of us were molested to buy his justification.

Well, the author of this piece wrote this

I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this. Arguing the states that Bernie won in the primary that HRC lost in the general as if he would’ve won them instead ignores a lot of variables, and both AOC and this article made that poor argument. What of the states that HRC won in both the primaries and the

Someone I know told me years ago about how Junot Diaz aggressively and inappropriately hit on her at a book signing. I was not surprised when the accusations came out. Also on the podcast In the Thick, Maria Hinojosa who moved in similar circles said there had been rumours for years about his inappropriate conduct

The smarm in Jesse Singal’s listserv messages is very telling. The basic problem at hand is that he is dishonest, or at least he is widely *perceived* as being dishonest. That’s why these arguments are so heated. Jesse Singal is a concern-troll. He pretends to be fair-and-balanced, and empathetic to “trans” folk, etc.

The disapproval is there, regardless of the person doing it, b/c I think that society thinks that a more stable home is a healthier home and that it’s either really irresponsible (character flaw) or really selfish (again, character flaw) to run around popping out random babies w random dudes just because one can. I

Yeah it definitely happened. Vanity Fair did an article on it.

I don’t know about PMS, but I’m a fifty-year-old man and I was crying when the two generations were making dumplings together at the end. But the mom eating the dumpling boy scared the shit out of my son and I don’t think he ever did get that there was never a dumpling boy, just a mother’s memories of her real son.

When she panicked and ate the bao, I turned to my wife and said “That got dark pretty fast”. Then my son, an eight-year-old, started crying scared tears. We could barely get him to watch the rest of it, and he almost missed the actual movie we were there to see. I tried explaining to him that there had never been a

I loved this short so much! I surprised to find myself crying (stupid pms). I don’t get how any person, non-Asian or not, could possibly be confused by the story. It was not confusing at all—there were only a few characters and the action was so obvious that no words were needed. Methinks those people are either

Why was she not excited? She got exactly what she wanted.