Thanks. I was at the point where I felt like ignoring her was the same thing as condoning her behavior and I wasn't okay with that.
Thanks. I was at the point where I felt like ignoring her was the same thing as condoning her behavior and I wasn't okay with that.
Last week I was here, frustrated with an engaged friend whose constant "bitching" about guys not leaving her alone, when she never told them to stop, was driving me up a wall. This week I'm here, having potentially ended our friendship, and I'm almost happy about it. She texted me earlier that "X gave me his number…
So THIS is why everyone is always so amazed that I make most of my own food. I never took home ec, but I can cook, grill, bake, and make bagels from scratch at the age of 23. My parents didn't push me to learn, but now there's a list of things they always want me to make when I go home!
The hating on the Fug Girls kind of upsets me-they did say she's "buried in a giant coat", but they also said they loved it on her and that it stuck out because she (as the only plus-size actress) was also the only one covered all the way up. They also comment on the close-up of Penelope Cruz (who was probably…
Dammit. Apparently I'm going to have to go back to my old response for her bitching about an ex (when they were dating) (but she still talks to him too, hey!). It generally went along the lines of, "I told you not to do that, don't complain to me about it.", and actually worked.
Sorry y'all, but I need to vent. A good friend of mine has been engaged for a year and as of now the wedding (supposed to be this December) has no date, no venue, not even plans for anything. Recently this friend was complaining to me that a guy she knows "doesn't understand I'm engaged", and that he was texting her…
I have a couple and I LOVE them. Seriously the best things ever.
I love Narnia but I only ever read The Last Battle once. Couldn't handle it again. Semi-almost-related: Neil Gaiman wrote a short story, "The Problem of Susan", that your comment about her not being included reminded me of!
Have you tried Cetaphil? I know a lot of people who think it's too heavy, but I use it at night and Clinique moisturizer during the day and it seems to keep my dry skin at bay for the most part.
There was a TARDIS dress and leggings, but they were limited/sold out a few months ago...It's possible I was stalking them in hopes of purchase.
None of the HP stuff is limited! It should be around for a while, don't worry!
Really, though. When I lived there my landlord was UPSTAIRS from me and we still had all of the problems getting things fixed. He also tried to keep most of our deposit for "repairs"...but when asked for receipts he quickly coughed up the money.
Love this. Thank you. I definitely don't put up with bullshit in my everyday life, and I really need to stop worrying about saving a friendship that I've only been surviving by avoiding.
You're so right. There isn't any point in my trying to save a friendship by completely avoiding it. I think I just keep hoping the problem will go away because she can be very reluctant to look at any of her behavior as "wrong". I half-believe that I'll tell her and she'll just look at me and say something horribly…
I don't get it either. I don't think she even knows any of the guys I've slept with, with the exception of the recent ex. I don't know why she's choosing to try and pressure me into feeling bad about choices I made years and years ago. It's actually ridiculous.
Excellent suggestions! The only part that concerns me would be the part where I would have to handle the dragon tongue dildo. Those things are disconcerting at best.
I'm so tempted to do exactly that, but I guess I'm still hoping that it's something fixable. If she doesn't quit though, it's inevitably going to happen in one way or another.
She's been my friend since we were weird little 6th graders, so it would definitely be hard to end the friendship, but I've also noticed myself avoiding her more and more, and being happier when I do, which isn't really a great sign. I'm definitely hearing that she isn't exactly being a good friend.
She's absolutely religious-she used to try and convert me to her church (some big evangelical deal) before she quit going, so I think that's where some of this comes from. She's also fairly open with me, to the extent that I know exactly how much debt she and her boyfriend are in, which is why I'm torn on why she's…