
I think what folks like Midler are responding to is the fact that, as women’s rights are being taken away and attacked, lefty organizations have responded by using gender neutral language to describe things that are widely to experienced as women’s issues (e.g. giving birth). This language, which is intended to be

Bette Midler may be throwing a fit, I’m not. I personally am indifferent to that sort of language usage but also don’t really care if people choose to just use the word “woman” as a generalization because that’s how the vast majority of the population in question refers to themselves without a second thought.

I have no right to make anyone prove to me what gender they are. None. I’m still concerned and undecided about 6'5", 200lb former males who become female and take over women’s sports so that no 5'4" woman can ever win first place again. When a male transitions to female, that person does not lose their upper body

You are right. Not all women can give birth. Not all women menstruate, and womanhood should not be defined by those things. However the VAST majority of those giving birth and menstruating are biological women. That is not an opinion, it is a fact. It’s important not to forget that fact when talking about reproductive

Not all women can give birth. Not all women menstruate. However the VAST majority of those giving birth and menstruating are biological women. That is not an opinion, it is a fact. It’s important not to forget that fact when talking about reproductive rights and issues like Tampon Tax, because these are predominately

Because the vast majority of ciswomen prefer to be called women and not people who give birth, which many find dehumanizing. We can make space for one oppressed minority without stepping on another.

Are we also doing away with the word ‘men’ for ‘penis-havers’ or ‘insemination-capable people’?

their efforts to make language more inclusive would not involve removing the term ‘woman’ from the language, because the midwifery profession is very much aware of its history and that it provided a counterpoint to male doctor-centric hospital birthing practices that emerged in the past couple of centuries. Women were

This coming from the guy who thinks ‘defund the police’ should still be a thing despite the fact that it’s failed to gain any traction beyond the fringe left and city-dwelling elites and despite the fact that it’s probably helped the other side morer? But god forbid progressives budge on their ideological

It’s not just you. I worked for a midwifery organization and they explicitly put out a memo saying that their efforts to make language more inclusive would not involve removing the term ‘woman’ from the language, because the midwifery profession is very much aware of its history and that it provided a counterpoint to

Are we also doing away with the word ‘men’ for ‘penis-havers’ or ‘insemination-capable people’?

I will never have children and I still don’t like the idea of doing away with woman/women, for any reason. And I think a lot of women feel similarly and this is really a ridiculous hill to die on, one that will alienate more people than anything else, and - because the left sucks at messaging and thinks shaming and

First there was that juror taking advantage of the limelight and saying lots of dumb things but if this is true what was already a farce of a trial just looks even more fucking incompetent.

Did you read the Op Ed? It lays out some pretty compelling examples.

Well said. Thank you. And I like your use of “And”, which is far more inclusionary than eliminating the word woman.

I’m fine with “women and birthing people” or “women and menstruators” or any other term people want, but I’m not ready to give up on woman/women because women are still struggling to achieve equal rights and the word’s existence doesn’t preclude that of people with other gender identities, but they can be listed in

The New York Times Op Ed actually made some really fantastic points and everyone should give it a read. It’s not merely about using inclusive language, its about basically eliminating an entire gender, one that has already struggled for equal rights throughout history. Both sides can be wrong. 

If transwomen were women we wouldn’t need the word transwomen in the first place. It’s transGENDER right? Your allies don’t care if you want to transition. Not in the least. But, um, you were not always a ‘woman’. This is a scientific fact. Why is acknowledging biological reality bigotry? Women are losing ground by

At the very least people need to stop since every article only increases her visibility and makes her a larger bargaining chip.

I more concerned that she was 29 and just voted for the first time. Young lady, you need to vote more often and not just for the benefit of you. Other people are affected by government.