You’re the pathetic piece of shit who comments on every article, arguing with nearly every. single. comment. Based on your comment history, you have no life but for jezebel’s comment section. You’ve spent DAYS ON END arguing with people on here.
You’re the pathetic piece of shit who comments on every article, arguing with nearly every. single. comment. Based on your comment history, you have no life but for jezebel’s comment section. You’ve spent DAYS ON END arguing with people on here.
I stay off this site but for once a goddamn week because of annoying-ass contrarian bullshit commenters like you. A person can’t write an innocuous statement without a fucking diatribe of “No, actually...” IT’S A GODDAMN OPINION, FUCK OFF.
Where the fuck did I say she wasn’t talented? Jesus goddamned Christ you’re annoying. And no she was never considered anything near an “it girl” so take your pathetic opinion and fuck off.
I’m confused by Alicia Vikander’s “height of fame” part of her comment. She’s still regularly working, and she’s not untalented, but I don’t recall her ever making a big splash or a rapid decline... she’s just always there making rando (yet intriguing) films. From what I gather in reviews of her movies, however, she’s…
I am still deeply offended by Benioff and Weiss for what they did to the last two seasons so they could go work on Star (Trek? Wars?), only to be fired/”voluntarily left” and go work on something else entirely.
I have been rewatching the Handmaid’s Tale with specific focus on the government collapse and the language of the government workers, and its appallingly accurate.
$10 that she's 27, white but vaguely "ethnic" looking, and is a White house aide.
Your response implied that Italians and Jews can only be pale, and I'm not doing the tit-for-tat thing today.
1) Southern Italy and Sicily are considered Mediterranean as defined by “It has specific regional features: a climate of hot dry summers and humid, cool winters and a generally hilly landscape.” My dad’s paternal family is from Palermo and they have dark, olive-skinned complexions, and their hair is thick, curly, and…
Wait, so now Italians and Jews aren’t allowed to be tan? JFC no one tell New Jersey...
Lmao, I always enjoy when you pop up. Hope all is well 😊
Exactly... and holding out hope for someone better is as futile as voting for these assholes. 😭😭😭
And on the other hand I would straight up cheer if someone took out the MAGAt wing of Republican politicians. I don't like that I feel that way, but also fuck them. I wouldn't do it myself but I can understand the anger.
Upfront: You’re a fucking creep and I’m not responding to any other of *your* lies, half-truths, and pathetic bootlicking for Depp. I think you’re straight up worthless, and just by existing you make humanity worse.
It seems as if you're trying to say that she shouldn't have been on Heard’s team because Kamilla would have done a better job of researching and documenting Depp's history of violence and abuse.
Yeah, I’m in a purple area in N. Texas and deal with that quite a bit (I’m 39 so this is “my” age group). At this point I just write them off as cowards who won’t admit to being a Republican. They logically know the Republican party is crazy dangerous, but they won’t show up for anyone Left of Center.
I can’t find it now but I believe it was fivethirtyeight which posted a “Supports Overturning Roe v Wade by Age”, wherein they found 30-45 yr olds were mostly in favor; Boomers were actually opposed! I’m actually kind of shocked at how much more conservative are Gen Z/X'rs than I had realized.
I follow Kamilla and learned so much from her during the trial about Depp, so much so I truly wish she had somehow been a consultant or something for Heard’s team. Depp is a violent, racist, rapist and misogynist and it’s been well-known in Hollywood. I won’t see any projects by the celebs who openly stood by him…
If anyone ever needs proof that Moderate Democrats overlap Moderate Republicans on the Political Party Venn Diagram, here ya go. I hope the RI Democratic Party gets their shit together, because the party desperately needs candidates like Jennifer Rourke.
The Boys, this season specifically, does the superhero thing better than Marvel. So, so, so much fucking better, from diversity to actually making a stance, down to the fight scenes. JFC this season was PHENOMENAL.