
Megan frequently worships at the altar of trash tv.

Thankfully, Megan just used makeup.  Kim and Maisie Williams bleached theirs, and because they're financially set the can pay to repair whatever damage might happen... but for the millions that will try this at home- godspeed. 

It was a sad day, and I am really fighting having another kid. 

They're wearing their grandma's jeans from 1992... the kids are most definitely NOT alright.

I still get a fly-by side-hug, and the other  day I got a thanks and I love you for helping him remember long division 🥰.  

When my kiddo was just over 2, my husband and I got free travel and stay at the Cosmopolitan hotel in Las Vegas...I cried every single night, and often randomly through the day, just because I missed my kid. Now that he's a month away from 11, and smells like he's entering puberty, I still get a twinge when I can't

Re: Coco Austin breastfeeding her 5 year old:

Roll Call to all Left-Leaning Community Leaders (LGBTQ+, AAPI, Black, Latine, Indigenous, and White, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish and Christian):

This is why a Moderate vote did nothing to help us. I voted for Biden, and would again to prevent another 4 years of Trump, but we can't pretend that Biden will ever help anyone other than Big Business. We HAVE to get a Progressive in there in 2024.

Now playing

Composition piece, but this is my soul in music:

Chris Evans, 100%.

The “inspired by the Amanda Knox saga” tied it to her, and she has a right to push back. Your flippant comment is asinine.

So not only does she not have the right to her own name, but you also think she doesn’t have the right to try and reclaim that stolen agency? That's an incredibly asinine point of view for you to take. 

I’m not intenationally learning depressing shit, but the universe is a buffet and reality is serving shit sandwiches.

The stories from Demi Lovato and Brittany Spears parallel with Judy Garland, and I have no faith in humanity. I shouldn’t have listened to the Jan. 6th Capitol hearing because I was already upset, and this article confirmed why I have the same reaction as you describe when watching things to escape.

It’s incredibly disheartening to find out the many ways in which our quests for entertainment, to distract from our lives, is so entwined with the abuse and objectification of others.

Does TFG mean That Fucking Grifter?

Hearing my White family and (former) friends speak, they would honestly prefer an all-White country. Even my most- liberal white friends, who don’t consciously realize what they’re saying, want this. When I questioned why Daryl from the Walking Dead was “so hot”, when Glenn was more handsome and a better person I was

Someone, a moderator or perhaps Shannon herself, already deleted a reply (from SilencedAdvocate) which directly criticized Shannon so I would be careful. It's amazing that we can't delete (or even edit!) our comments, but they can delete criticisms to their writing. 🙄