
I didn't vote for these assholes, and I actively campaign against them. I'm not sure what your point was, and an explanation would be appreciated. 

That’s a vast oversimplification given that we’re literally freezing to death. Most of us don’t have internet to complain about the insults- mine came back on today, and is spotty. It takes 4 hours in a grocery store lit by emergency lights to get cereal. Most of us are upset at Gov Abbott for cutting regulations to

It’s okay, most of us progressive Texans hate Texas as well. I refuse to move because so many Republicans from blue states are moving here, ensuring that we stay red. It's become a thing here to point out that Ted Cruz was reelected by out-of-state Republicans who recently moved here, while the younger generations of

I’m in North Texas, and shit is real down here.

I’ve been waiting for over a week to see my dentist for a cavity, possibly cracked filling, and a blizzard/snowstorm is moving in tonight, possibly lasting through the appointment date on Wednesday. I live in north Texas, where driving in the snow/ice is akin to playing Russian roulette. There's a 99% chance my

I laughed too hard at this! 😂

Exactly, because the only people who benefit from "not making waves" are those splashing around in their own racist mess. Being silent equates to being complicit. 

This is the only one of “these types” of apologies that sounds sincere... Sarah Silverman is among the worst, and blames “the times” (as in, “it was different back then, times were different”) for *her* mistakes. 

Angel was too damn old for Buffy, and not just because he was a vampire and hundreds of years old. He was turned as a 20-something adult, and it was creepy to me as a teen (but that realization came from watching my 15-yr-old best friend date a 25-yr-old guy, and finding him creepy).

And do we really need another body in prison, especially during a pandemic? People with these types of crimes (nonviolent) would be better off sentenced to community service, as would the community they're being forced to serve. 

I’m mixed, 1st generation Korean-American/ White, and I do not associate with my White (Trumplican) family outside of Thanksgiving and Christmas, and you better believe I bring it after dinner is over. My racist white uncle doesn’t mean that much to me to validate his White Male Privilege. My racist, white female

I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised given Gina What’s-Her-Name from the Star Wars show. They're comparing themselves to European Jews being hunted by Nazi's, FFS. 

I’ve been told, and have read quite a few comments, that these were “UNDERCOVER ANTIFA AND DEEP STATE ACTORS”, but I can’t really believe that anyone who hears that excuse actually believes the person making that claim. Are they trying to cover their ass because they’re too embarrassed to admit that they would rather

You’re an ass.

You’re right about the ego- they have no self-respect, and so they have to treat women with such degradation to make themselves feel better (manipulating the women into going along with it so they can later have the “it was consensual!!!” argument in their back pocket).

Yeah, well, why would we use tax-payer money on schools, healthcare, and general betterment of society rather than give it to CEO’s to fund for-profit prisons? That would just cut into their future inventory, and really, are we going to give in to tax-payer-funded socialism? /s

We live in a society that sexualizes violence against women, blames women for their rape, abuse, and murder, and calls the degradation and dehumanization “entertainment”. We cannot expect justice when we allow ourselves to be used and abused for the sake of the sexual satisfaction of abusive men (and allow it to be

I began the original post with that I participated (“with what I let be done to me”) and I’ve repeatedly stated that I understand and do not judge the women who are either/both sub/dominate, and that I’m particularly scared of men who are dominate, and so I fail to understand how I’m kink-shaming the women who are

Truly, as long as he’s not a cannibal rapist, or a Nazi, or Marilyn Manson, let the dude bedazzle his whole freaking face.

I specifically wrote about the men who are humiliating women, so other than the men who are defending their fellow doms I’m not sure who I’m kink-shaming. If you’re referring to my post that young women are manipulated by society into accepting being humiliated and degrading, that’s not kink-shaming- it’s