I mean, Biden is the main cause behind the ACA mandate... he was elected for the sake of “unity” and “bipartisanship” because of his moderation/old-school fiscal conservatism.
I mean, Biden is the main cause behind the ACA mandate... he was elected for the sake of “unity” and “bipartisanship” because of his moderation/old-school fiscal conservatism.
1) The only broad stroke that I’m painting is on the men who pose as doms in these relationships. I’m fine with that, because they’re psychos who get off on hurting women.
1) The “brainwashed” comment came from ERW herself.
1) Your only focus is to force me into accepting violence against women.
You’re reducing what she went through to the point that you view her as just a victim- she was manipulated through the guise of BDSM practices.
I have thought a lot about this, and judgmental though it may be, I cannot trust a man that would want to *simulate* hurting a woman (not even counting the psychos that want to do this for real). I am totally being sexist, but I would trust a woman, but not a man.
It’s the inexperience that puts young people in danger though, and makes easy prey for men like Marilyn Manson, Armie Hammer, and any number of high-profile murder cases wherein the victim is blamed for “their lifestyle”.
I’m torn between understanding the submissive side, but having either known, or known of, way too many men who went too far, didn’t respect boundaries or just flat out committed assault, I don’t trust men who are “dominant”. I’m not trying to kink-shame, but these are security issues that override any idea of being…
I think that discounts the naivity that comes with being a teenager/VERY YOUNG adult, and the level of manipulation coming from the older person. At 40 I am horrified by what I “allowed” to happen to me in my 20's, and I wouldn’t have realized this until I watched friends/ read news stories where the outcomes were…
Lol, I respect your opinion!
The ratio on our two original comments would suggest that your post was, indeed, confusing.
She signed a modeling contract today, and is a goddamned adult. She’s now a walking billboard for the fashion industry.
Maybe it's because she was hailed as a style icon after her outfit at the inauguration, and yet she looks like a drunk rodeo clown in every other pic.
1 Tuna packet (not tinned because I don’t find the taste of an aluminum can appealing), around 1-1 1/2 tsp of mayo, a good-sized portion of chopped dill pickles, pepper, lemon juice, on a triscuit. Sometimes chopped hard boiled egg, or sliced almonds (if I don’t have triscuits and am eating a sandwich), are added.
What I was specifically talking about, and which many other commenters are referring to, are people not wearing masks, dining indoors, and generally putting others at risk for no reason. We’re referring to people who have screamed, cursed, and in some cases physically assaulting those that ask them to wear masks, not…
My B.S. is in Biochemistry, and I’m working on my masters...I won’t go so far as to make assumptions regarding your academic accomplishments based solely on your incomprehensible post, but I will say that maybe you could benefit from a freshman course in writing.
That explanation makes sense!
Wait, are you defending anti-maskers because you think “viruses don’t spread that way”? Because everyone from Fauci to my (former) immunology professor to my (former) microbiology professor, and my previous employer (that I had to leave due to the pandemic) all say to stay home, and if you have to leave the house then…
“People who are extra careful can get sick, just as those who are (or appear to be) careless might.”
It’s the first step in every cult: “de-programming” (read: brainwashing) through sexual reprogramming. I.e., banning sex, or only permitting “founder-approved” sex.