
I seriously doubt the senators wife is cleaning toilets.

So, he's admitting he's clueless when it comes to women. He may be a dummy but that does not mean he is a sexist.

I see that purple Caddy weekly in Independence Heights. It is actually kind of impressive.

Plus, Soderbergh is not Ang Lee and Matt Fuckin' Damon is no Heath Ledger so maybe they saw it and passed because it just aint' that great.

No, the traditional Russian method for dealing with uprisings is to brutally crush them with overwhelming military force. Ask Hungary (1956).

I have my doubts that it was because of homophobic movie execs. They would finance a movie about Stalin & Pol Pot getting it on if they thought they could sell tickets. I imagine it would be fairly difficult for a studio to find an audience who cares about Liberace at this point. "Brokeback Mountain" is one of the

"Watch your back, Kanye."

In addition the intrepid Jezebel reporting staff also uncovered this yearbook quote from George W. Bush:

I went through a similar storm hiding under a storm culvert near Dallas.

Good luck getting rid of the mags when you have women lining up to pose for them.

They should get into NASCAR.

That's cool I wasn't trying to insult the lot of you but it did kind of sound like that.

Yeah, I dated a couple of derby girls and I couldn't handle it. So much shit talking and gossip. Drama, for reals.

Because all they talk about is roller derby. It gets old fast.

Agreed. Definitely the hottest woman I have ever seen.

I want Kerry Washington to be my girlfriend and have like 10,000 of my babies.

You're right, I shouldn't speak for others.

Ah, never seen it.