
It's next door to the old Members Only warehouse.

He would have re-spawned.

If it's on Ellen then why is Jennifer Aniston talking to Piers Morgan?

Maybe if God wasn't watching the Pacers game he could have stopped the killer storms.

This sounds like a Twilight Zone episode.

I like "Fiance' ".

Now playing

Great Odin's raven! Those are some horrible names.

I've heard that he's a dick but at least he's funny. So many people are assholes with no redeeming qualities.

It always amazes me what hot people can get away with. By any objective standard Sharon Stone is a failure as an actress, she's been in dozens of movies and only one is worth watching, "Casino". Angelina Jolie has not even been in one great movie. Everything she's ever done sucks balls. "Tomb Raider" and "Salt" are

Fuck you.

¿Puedo traer a mi serpiente?

Ricky Gervais is awesome. For more insight into his views on religion and why he is an atheist watch his episode of Inside The Actors Studio.

The cops already said there is an investigation happening so she filed a charge. And the idea that everyone who reads his tweets is "going after" her is ridiculous. I read Fifty Cents tweets, that doesn't mean I would mobilize and go after anyone he has a beef with.

Thanks, fair enough.

That is true, I say things sometimes not because I personally believe them but I like to see how people will react to a different point of view. I like to start new discussions from different angles. That used to be called a 'devils advocate' now it's a troll. I don't enjoy constant conflict but too much of the

Then I suppose we are both ignorant of what Nevada law defines as harassment.

So is the point of this forum only to promote a homogenized, uncomplicated POV without discussion of nuance?

Well I am not a lawyer at all but the police already said there is an investigation happening so she claimed something. So, going only on the information here, I would be surprised if he were charged with harassment based only on tweeting her personal information. He made not threatening statements.

I'm saying that the tweets, on their own as they are now, would not likely be grounds for a charge of criminal harassment if her claims of rape turn out to be false.