
Never order Chinese food in New Haven.

You're right lets start calling him "Bloomberg X".

Yeah, I forgot about him.

Actually, Houston is also the most ethnically diverse city in the US.

OK, you got me there.

Mayor Bloomberg the billionaire?

"What happened to the glory days when getting two fortune cookies or a stale after-dinner mint felt like you'd scored the jackpot?"

Counts for what? I don't think a city that has only elected white males as mayor represents America as a whole.

Welcome to the party. Houston has had a gay female Mayor for three years.

"Bi-Partisan Curious II"


I am currently penning a steamy tome about the unhinged love affair between Sarah Palin and Vladimir Putin. The action begins when Palin decides to go fishing wearing only her American flag Crocs. Her line suddenly becomes as taut and unyielding as her thigh muscles and her stance on illegal immigration. She strains

"I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut, I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact

Yeah, but she knew that going in.

Go nuts.

Are you sure that isn't regular ass Detroit smoke blowing back?

By naming your daughter Desiree you greatly increase her chances of having cocaine snorted off of her ass by a guy in a band called "Road Kill".

It sounds like they were pissed that she aired it out online. Just my theory.

What's Seth Rogen getting ready to do with those ice cream cones???

It sounds like they were pissed she blogged about it and named them.