
Massive skin/muscle grafting.

Looks like that little hombre' needs some Bactine, STAT!

God, I knew you would compare hazing to rape soon. It's a good way to switch it up when you are losing an argument. Have fun talking to yourself, dum-dum:)

Save your condescending tone, Honey.

It does not sound like they were "forced" to do anything.

OK, I am officially not giving a fuck the next time he puts her in the hospital.

I would drink too after being married to Roseanne.

It's Starbucks, get over it, they are the McDowells of coffee.

"lessons she learned from rehab after her 90-day stint."

If this is what the little girls in China have to put up with (If they somehow manage to be born in the first place) can you imagine what their soldiers go through?

Do we really expect much insight, eloquence or nuance from a guy who bounces a ball for a living? I'm guessing that what he does not understand I could just about squeeze into the Grand Fuckin' Canyon.

"Michael was..."

Just when I thought we were getting low on serial killers.

She knows Snoop. Maybe he can hook her up...?

I can imagine he did.

"Arm shaping? Whatever. I've moved on to organ reduction and bone shaving."

"Does that make you nervous?"

Well, I'm a man so I'm no great expert either (i'm glad someone finally told me where the clitoris is located-kidding) but the educational system in this country blows.

She knew more about female anatomy than any current HS teacher in this country.

There's enough free porn out there to keep any normal man sated. If you need to pay for interactive porn then just say 'fuck it' and take the next step.