
Like I said, I could be talking rubbish! I was just describing my experience.

um, k

But I'm a mom of a three year old and I'm nearing 34 and wondering if it's time to give up the long locks? Stop messin' wit me!

Mom hair? Mom jeans? What the fuck. Why in the hell do we attach the descriptor "mom" to something as a shortcut for frumpy/dowdy/uncool. Stop, please.

I'll be 59 this year and still have my hip length auburn hair (I'm like my mum- just a few grey hairs here and there)- and GASP, I even wear it down lots! I don't care what anyone else thinks- I have great hair and am not ashamed to wear it long!

I think it became a "rule" partially because of this — getting to the point where convenience trumps all — and maybe partially because the generation(s) who made this rule were ladies in the 50s and 60s? I.e., when Mature Women largely had shortish curled/coiffed styles or updos. So maybe like a handed-down

I'll second the HELL NO. I'm a 31 year old attorney, and my hair is well below shoulder length. There are plenty of other female attorneys whose hair is even longer, and absolutely no one cares (and law is a notoriously conservative profession).

If I were Kate Hudson that is absolutely what I would do with my life. Rose included.

He's legit gorgeous. I do feel bad that the answer to equality seems to be evolving into 'lets sexually exploit men now' rather than 'lets sexually exploit no one' territory, and I think it's shitty to minimize someone feeling objectified, because it's shitty when men do it to women who feel objectified, and the

Hahaha. Yes! So Slash or Mr. Page.

"Kanye will breeze into a store and immediately start pulling looks for Kim to try on. He likes to pose her after he's picked out her outfits. He gets completely in the zone."

Speaking as a woman in recovery, these kind of lay comments are beyond annoying. Breast tissue has nothing to do with what constitutes a mental illness. Go away.

So what is a supermodel anymore? Because I swear I havent heard of this person aside from her relationship with Bradley what's-his-name.

So, I have an issue with Pinkham, and most of you commenters who are pro-tipping. I'm not trying to start an argument, but it is astounding how many people just accept this outdated custom. If you haven't noticed I agree with Bartlett, although I do tip, but not because I care about the worker, I don't, it's a hostage

To insist that athletes don't have streaks is to ignore athletic psychology and the bevy of actual evidence. You can't treat shots as a coin flip, because they don't work like that.

Oh god. Tipping.

As for the Roder Figueroa, it's hilarious how people turn into everything when they get caught,

All I can think of is the torture and pain of the animal. How can anyone justify this blatant abuse? There is no reason why humans need to wear fur. No reason at all. We have taken a huge step back.

On a slightly related note, I also wish beauty bloggers would stop with the god damned Crayola (like made of actual crayons) lipstick already. "Non Toxic" does not equal skin safe, safe to ingest daily or cosmetic/food grade.

I'm sorry what? I'm black, and my sister is a queen of hair stylin'. Never in my life have I seen anything remotely like this on anyone I know of color. Why do you assume that we will all be offended by this stupid trend?