How does that work? Do you create a Pinterest board for your preferred racial/gender office makeup with stock photography examples of hip and racially ambiguous office workers laughing at their salad?
My dad, being a foreigner in NYC, calls them Deep America. There’s city America, and suburb America which is an imitation of city America just less cool, and then there’s the America we saw on our first roadtrip that left is all like “wtf are these people where do they come from and where do they shop for neon visors…
I want to go to there. Also, someone needs to make an acoustic version of this song like yesterday.
Yes. She is the queen cat skinchanger.
No, I know that the stereotype is not far from the truth. I’m just saying that for normal people, showing up on time and being pleasant to work with is the bare minimum you can do. Now you taunted me with your knowledge. And I looooove stories that confirm rich people are assholes. So, do share dahling.
Karlie seems genuinely nice, sweet, charitable and probably smart. So this is not about her. But does anyone get a major case of eye rolls when people in fashion or Hollywood is praised for showing up on time and being pleasant? Celebrities - they’re just like us!
Cat. Obvi.
Her sister. Even better.
I can’t wait to not see this movie. Frances Ha is a crappy film about vapid white girls (“ohhhh I live in NYC and I can’t afford rent. I am a dancer. I should be able to afford rent...”). Also, the movie poster bother me infinitely for some reason. Jemima Kirke is famous for being put on a show created by a friend of…
You have to separate PETA’s tactics from the issues they expose. Most of the videos are gathered by volunteers who put their lives at risk. They ad campaigns are thought out by their PR office sitting in cozy cubicles.
Well, the video is the video. And it is true that reptiles continue to live and feel pain after spinal cord injury.
Did anyone else think Ben Affleck was dating Fran Drescher only to be disappointed?
That is amazing in it’s own, twisted way!
It’s moving man, we shouldn’t be embarrassed.
I am so sorry to hear about your cat. Pets are so close to our hearts, nothing can replace them. I get weepy thinking of how one day my dog won’t be around, so yes, watch all the Kimmy Schmidt you need to help you get through this. Sending you a big internet hug.
It’s a miracle!
I love this show more than words can say.
Meh. Both were assholes involved in violence and gun culture. Gwyneth is a fan of rap. The clutches are ugly anyway.
Then it’s not about the age, but about the life experience and position. So yes, there are nuances, you named them all. None of them being age. would you still be upset if he was a med student who is a friend of the family? Probably not. I agree Tyga is a dick, and good for nothing. But his age is the least of his…