Short-lived perception effects are not what the placenta-burger champions promise. They promise an all-encompassing effect from eating a dried up bit of tissue once or twice.
Short-lived perception effects are not what the placenta-burger champions promise. They promise an all-encompassing effect from eating a dried up bit of tissue once or twice.
I know many people who get fucking weird after children. Childbirth is a gateway drug for natural birth, using the words “fierce/earth/beautiful/etc mama”, and becoming anti-vaccine.
It’s the same place where Paleo calories go.
Cavemen did it.
Of course there is no evidence. Food goes through an acid bath in the stomach and gets broken down into the major macro and micro nutrients along with water. Human’s don’t have a special slow-release magical placenta reservoir to carry you through an invigorating pregnancy healing period. Jesus fuck. Get it together…
I’m elated to be the one to bring this to you. It IS real.
Introducing the Tippi. That perfect girlfriend for tea in Greenwich and lunch in Stanwich, she never lets you down. Tippi is just the gal for mirth and memory, we know you will love her too. Comes in four shades of blooming cheer: Begonia, Myrcella, Aquarius and Peony.
No. Everything important in those books has been spoiled. Unless you are counting Aerys (the Elias Gonzalez of Westeros) the raft kid? He probably is a Targaryen, but not a dragon. Like Aemon is/was. Just not the magical kind.
Several things here.
No he is not. His mother was, but was his father? Who would the Third Targaryen be? Sure, you could count Vyseris, but he is dead, and as Dany said “no true dragon”. So the Targaryens are Dany, Jon, and Tyrion.
Obamacare, gay marriage, interracial marriage, single mothers, transvestites, contraception, Gossip Girl... Conservatives have way too many Apocalypses. Who can keep track of them all.
Marc Jacobs gives me uncontrollable yawns.
I hope not... Book Jamie has so much going on in his mind, I hope he doesn’t get to carry that weight too. Thought if it is Tyrion, then he would feel bad for having done that to Jamie, especially after killing Tywin... I think she was born first yeah. So one or the other. But for narrative purposes I think you are…
I hope it takes making a Paleo smoothie out of Ramsay Bolton’s scrotum.
A- I love your handle. B - “God, if I spent half as much time on my work as I do on this ...” YES. THIS. I have a brain that falls down the rabbit hole of fantasy. I compartmentalize and the characters and stories are very real to me in a part od my brain that decides to exist in another reality (the book’s). And then…
If you read the text carefully, not all stabs actually pierce him. The first one grazes him. The next one, he grabs. Then comes one by Bowen Marsh, which he pulls out “from where it was left” which may mean his body, may mean his suit or furs. Bowen Marsh loves him a lot, so he would probably do a half assed stab even…
I went to a posh posh posh high school. We had a classmate, who we shall call AJ Morris (you know, those people whose name always has to include their last name, much like Jon Snow over here), that was on a football scholarship. He was like 22, had a child, was 5’3’’, had been to jail, and was rumored to have been in…
Yeah.... I have a slight feeling there will be no more books as well.