
Yeah but I don’t follow recipes. I cook based on what’s available and never measure things, but I may try it for simpler ones. Thank you!

I don’t even cook by recipes or quantities. I just eyeball shit in my refrigerator and throw it in a pot or pan. Then I’m like “oh look! There’s a carrot ion there. Who knew”.

I know it’s doable. I kind of wish I had that kind of tenacity and ingenoiusnes. Not that I think it’s healthy for everyone, but literally my brain can’t compute. I don’t cook by recipes, so to make soup for example I just throw random shit in a pot and boil it. It would never even occur to me that weighing the

Most people eat far too many calories. So counting calories is useful for basically anyone. It’s not necessary to obsess about it but to get a general idea of how much you are really consuming. That was truly asinine.

I tried being obsessive about MyFitness pal but then I get lost when I eat something like soup. Am I supposed to count the number of broccoli in there? How the fuck do I know how many calories are in my soup or tart or souffle?

Food labels also base their percentages on a 2000 calorie diet. That is a LOT of calories for most people.

The thing about those numbers is that those are shelter in areas with tons of strays/surrenders and no one to adopt them. Those animals have nowhere to go, no homes to love them. The choice is often life in a tiny crate or euthanasia. It’s easy to be against kill shelters when you haven’t seen rows of dogs barking all

I don’t really hate PETA. Do they always act classy and respectful? No. But they are trying to bring attention to shit like baby monkeys having their eyes removed and eye socket electrocuted without anesthesia. I find it laughable that faced with that kind of suffering, anyone’s response is “oh, but it offend ME

Is there a camera in the bathroom too? Because you can use frosted glass spray paint. They won’t know it’s there until it dries, which takes 10-20 minutes, giving you enough time to book it. Problem fixed.

I feel the same way about that term.

I have a bladder deficiency so I pee everywhere. I don’t care whoo can see me. Sometimes I stop in the highway and the only way to pee is facing one way traffic or the other. So if you ever saw a woman squatting in the highway peeing while giving the finger to the hinking truckers, it’s probably me. Moral of the

Everyone has been to Cuba. It’s so weird because Americans think of it as a place no one goes to. The entire fucking world goes to Cuba. It’s poor as fuck. It sucks.

“hasn’t talked your fucking ear off about how immigrants are ruining the country or how he’s voting UKIP in the coming election” This transported me to London so, so powerfully. Thank you. I love that city.

Best travel advice? Find out what makes you happy at home, and do that in Spain. I don’t know how it’s in Chile, but 10 days is the amount of time people in the US (at least the ones I know) take to go on a trip. 10 days is plenty of time. Still, don’t go see all the sights in the travel book. I know people in South

the answer is that you are not “supposed” to see any of the shit. See as much or as little as you want. Fuck the people who are all like “oh my gerh you went to Barcelona and didn’t see such and such”. No. fuck you. I didn’t. I was too busy stuffing my face with Boquerones.

That monument really moved me. I usually don’t have that effect - I usually see those monuments and recognize them as something for the living, not the dead. Then I think that the people that died and we are commemorating are dead and gone. And they lived through fear and probably had a painful, shitty death and there

Don’t worry. I agree with you and I love your name and photo.

I think you have to make sure feet are clean and neat, whether you use polish or not. Hers don’t look either.

All hail the QUEEN.

It’s really hard. I try to buy US made too, but it’s not always afforable. when it’s affordable, it’s hideous. Sorry poster below, but I wouldn’t be caught dead in All American Clothing. The change needs to come from consumer pressure. We shouldn’t have to take our business elsewhere, but it seems the thing to do