
Not a Ford? How about a McKinley Denali?

I like that your tl;dr section was only a line shorter than your main section lol

People wanted a lot of things from a Scion...they did not want the D

...even I know not to turn the wipers on if they are frozen to the windshield.

“places unfit for human life like Houghton, Michigan”

It’s just the packaged air of China you’re smelling.

A $100,000!?

RIP, John DeLorean. I wonder what he would think of these replicas.

My daughter is 6 years old. This statement seems like a non-sequitur, but it is pertinent to this discussion, I assure you. My plan is:

I knew a girl with that nickname

Yeah baby!

I’m HondAnonymous. I don’t work for Acura, but i cut hair for the RDX project manager’s sister in law...

Je suis HondAnonymous.

So, they’re saying all this stuff is CORRECT?

Most surprising part of the headline.


My favorite from home on Glenwood at the Angus Barn in Raleigh a few years ago.


I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for a snow brush, I can tell you WalMart may have one. What I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a lifetime of New England winters. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you brush your car

Having grown up and lived in the northeast my whole life, this boggles my mind.