
Screw Virginia inspection laws. Just a money maker for the local gas stations.

Unemployment is a hell of a motivator.

Uh, more like a normal father-daughter relationship, unlike Ivanka and Tiffany.

Just like a pardoned turkey on Thanksgiving- please pass the stuffing...

Umm, you need to correct the “paid for” part of your statement...

It’s more of a question of: Who would you rather get into an accident with? An unlicensed/uninsured driver or a licensed insured driver???

You call that a burger???

Curious to hear where she expects them to move too.

trump a billionaire? Can you provide proof please???

Shit like this gets you fired.

trump’s next tweet will make sure this story is never heard.

this too


Fuck you, we can get over this orange shit. If you are so fatalistic....

She lost. Don’t mention the Electoral College unless you can snap you finger and get rid of it. And she needs to go away. She will fuck things up again by her love of the spotlight because there were enough people who DON’T LIKE HER to vote for a bag of shit instead.

Sorry Hillary, nobody likes you; please stop talking.

WTF? It’s like “breast” and “chicken” was never used in the same sentence before?

She buys her way into our lives.

Will she just shut up?