
trump’s next tweet will make sure this story is never heard.

this too


Fuck you, we can get over this orange shit. If you are so fatalistic....

She lost. Don’t mention the Electoral College unless you can snap you finger and get rid of it. And she needs to go away. She will fuck things up again by her love of the spotlight because there were enough people who DON’T LIKE HER to vote for a bag of shit instead.

Sorry Hillary, nobody likes you; please stop talking.

WTF? It’s like “breast” and “chicken” was never used in the same sentence before?

She buys her way into our lives.

Will she just shut up?

So Rose = Jar Jar now?

If you don’t know what an “accident” is then the confusion starts with you and your short attention span to your own post. Don’t bother replying though, troll, I see you.

It means I read the Daily Beast article cited above and you did not.

Doesn’t sound like an accident when they mentioned it was time to remove his headphones so he couldn’t listen to it. And no reporter anywhere would try to provoke an interviewee for a better story, right?

Odd, but having the power to say “fuck it, I’m out” and not get hurt is what having control means.

Thanks for the judgemental input Mic Jagger.

So, this woman from NPR already knew how Driver didn’t want to see/hear himself act but she decided to do it anyway. Now we know what her name is since I didn’t before. Now people think Driver is some prima donna. What an asshole she is.

I hope it’s like how Iran let the hostages free minutes after Regan’s inauguration to see Putin release the pee-pee tape after trump leaves office.

He touched the hand of the orange asshole and thought Kanye Steaks was a good idea too.

Wouldn’t Lisa Page moderating a debate be the best?

People forget the Patriot Act is renewed ALL THE TIME. The current FISA is just its offspring.