
He’s a fat fuck, that’s why.

That’s weird, trump left days ago.

Sooo, the entities that are most susceptible to security threats are the ones asking for a delay? And this, after China threatens US commercial tech companies from following US LAW (putting aside policy effectiveness)? Does China have a copy of the PeePee Tape also?

Is there anything a donut can’t do?

It’s like this: if you come to my house and act like an idiot; you will be asked to leave.

Maybe it’s more simple than that, maybe American moviegoers are the ones who can have be turned off by “LeMans 66".

Yeah but, what kind of mileage ya get?

Where’s ICE when you need them??

“I hope my money protects my face” must be going through this guys head.

Just guessing, but the two stars are from trump and Fairstein?

Well, Rome fell and nobody thought that could happen.

I wonder if they followed their dad’s lead regarding being handsy and famous...

“...because a dickhead Warriors fan...”

then: “believe me”

trump voice: “the GREATEST love scenes, ever, love them, next Oscar!”

Cop not used to his potential “perps” knowing how to play the long game and lawyering up.

a message at the end of the film, noting that John found happiness raising two children with his husband, David Furnish”

Sure sounds like you do...

Give them tap water from the sink and make sure they see it