
Had a shit say “I lost control of my car and went thru your fence” while arresting him on Bolling AFB. Me: “So you lost control of your car on MLK parkway and landed 60' down and lived?” Shit: “I’m in construction”. 16yo #2, stolen car. TL;DR fuckers lie.

So, now Snowflakes are a thing???

From your pocket- taxpayer....

Well that new policy would be very effective in fucking up data searches.

He pulled you over for your Out of State plate. N Dakota stopped me in a 2001 BMW w/MD plates. Just bored I guess.

Another fucking bailout for trump voters?

I usually turn my headlights “on/off” a couple of times to convey it’s safe to merge. By using my “bright” flash quickly is more: WTF?

This is how you should prepare to interview known bloviates and liars. Since they spew the same talking points; have your cited responses in your hand. Well done, Ms Jackson.

So, a fat Mr Burns??

If those same people would keep their mouth shut then there would be no need to rush.

I’ll say it, “Don’t expect an invite to my funeral, Sarah P.”

Here I am,

So, Red Light cameras should be banned since the violation of traffic laws is minimal?

We did not say he was invited by the royal family, but the contract did provide that he would make himself available to meet with them.”

No, too Hillary thinking

At least assault 3rd degree, WTF?

Kids, they have a few

She is the perfect WH leak. It would take a marriage vow to stick with that grift, amirite?

design flaw, haha

Except for the “he’s cute” freaks