
Not the point, no matter what reason you have for “stealthing”; both those things become risks.

It’s not? But guys still do it? (And some girls too, I guess).

Not arguing with you that both situations are wrong and probable grounds for sexual assault prosecutions women in general face a higher risk of damage to their physical, psychological and societal positions.

But attempts at being objective at the situation must reveal that an actual pregnancy is in nearly all aspects much more damaging and stressful for the woman than it is for the man, no matter the result of said pregnancy.

But attempts at being objective at the situation must reveal that an actual pregnancy is in nearly all aspects much more damaging and stressful for the woman than it is for the man, no matter the result of said pregnancy.

I’m not sure what it says about me as a guy that I view a guy doing it as much worse than when a woman does it.

From experience; even if he has no experience playing with very low ping it shouldn’t take him longer than a day or two to acclimate himself to the new ping, although YMMV it’s not as difficult to get use to lower pings as you might intuit.

It’s ironic that the best journalism and often the most critical of our own government comes from the ABC which is 100% funded by tax-dollars.

Because due to a culture and palate that prizes “freshness” extremely high, particularly in their seafood. The general populace in countries like Japan are familiar enough with the idea of dead fish still moving. The reason for their amazement is the vigor as opposed to the “zombie” aspect.

OTOH, Asian culture doesn’t glorify nor have a sadistic fucking obsession with the literal torture of animals through hunting them.

I’m the opposite; I always feel extremely awkward hugging my closest friends and family but feel perfectly fine hugging practically all other people.

She’s a traitor to humanity in general. If “male values” don’t stand against rulings like this as well then at the very least most men I know wouldn’t want a fucking thing to do with their own gender.

I thought I was the only one that read that load of rubbish and as a result feel dirty and icky.

Good luck with the pull-out method, gonna need it.

Wait, I never make special requests. Wtf DON’T they test for?

And it’s not too uncommon for guys to preemptively take a test to show to their new girlfriend in order to stop using the condom.

Wait, are you a young’un? Cause you’re either a really brave’un or a dumb’un.

Some don’t, some don’t as much as they should, some do. I’d say it’s almost an even split frankly but there’s lots of different factors that go into it obviously for each girl.

Holy shit, I’m assuming that isn’t too normal or common in American-East Asian culture? Or at least I hope it isn’t.

Brava on your mini-festo.