
The modern Israeli identity is undoubtedly Jewish and the land on which Israel was formed was inhabited by undoubtedly non-Jewish people before the state was established in 1947. Somewhere along the way the identity of the people living on the land was supplanted.

Smart PR ain’t always cynical, it can be the moral choice too!

The situation concerning Israel is no doubt different, more complicated and easier to empathise with than the US, Canada, etc. but they share commonality in that their entire identity and existence in their current forms require the supplanting and systematic removal of the indigenous communities. China does not share

It’s almost as if Liberals are capable of selective outrage just like their conservative counterparts and don’t see that they often suffer from the same cognitive-dissonance that they label conservatives with...

Empathy works best when applied equally to all sides. A thing about Israel and the IDF that a lot of Westerners do not understand because they have never experienced anything remotely similar is this: They are constantly in an existential conflict, there very existence is on the line because most of their neighbours

Civilian casualties do not grant moral high-ground. WTF is wrong with you people?

You know the irony of your comment? You don’t realise that China does not belong on that list with the US, Canada and Israel.

Because many States in the world consider it their responsibility to protect the medical interests of their citizens.

If you research the case a little more; the treatment they are seeking in the US isn’t necessarily a cure either. It will possibly extend his life further but doesn’t really have many prospects to improve the child’s quality of life in any meaningful way.

Ironically, Paul Hogan these days is probably just as well known in Australia for his almost decade-long battle with the Australian Taxation Office as he is for Crocodile Dundee; poor fella.

The Outback is dangerous because of it’s sprawling size and the fact that its mostly devoid of life; both human and wildlife.

It’s dangerous for reasons mostly unrelated to wildlife but whatever, you can think what you like.

It might be more relevant because the Third Reich has been so demonized(and rightly so) in our culture that it’s impossible for most viewers to even begin to show some empathy and consider the others’ point of view if that “other” is going to be the Nazis.

It might be more relevant because the Third Reich has been so demonized(and rightly so) in our culture that it’s impossible for most viewers to even begin to show some empathy and consider the others’ point of view.

As long as you’re not asking for Fosters that sounds good.

OTOH, bears would choose to actively pursue and hunt humans... Unlike everything in Australia.

You’re making light of a poor kangaroo with a terminally fatal genetic defect.

You’re over-exaggerating the poisonous aspect a bit but my point is that in Australia, humans are the sole apex predators both in practice and by pure nature.

Still amazes me that North America has these giant roided-up Xenomorphs walking around yet y’all consider Australia’s wildlife “dangerous”.

Fair enough, I enjoyed A Knight’s Tale thoroughly but I was a kid and re-watching it always gives me a nostalgic glow so it’s hard for me to be completely objective about it.