
@bananafishtoday: Also, the Google Earth view of 1 Microsoft Way would make a really awesome base in SC.

"'On average we get attacked between 7000 and 9000 times per second at,' said the senior security architect."

@Sandeep Murali: She got one more johnson than she was expecting.

I read Gizmodo every day, and this is the first N8 post I've ever clicked on. Ever. I didn't know, or care to know, anything about the phone before this post. And I opened it not because of the Nokia phone, but because of the NSFW banner.

Chewie, turn on the cloaking device and take us to lightspeed!

Ninth Circuit really didn't like hearing a certain CEO drove around with no license plates, and now we all suffer.

Oh man, I really hope there's a hack to feed your own MP3s through this. I'd set up a loop of myself saying, "Excuse me! Paaardon me, coming through! Sorry, watch out. Be careful. Excuse me!"

@BoscoH: And Steve Jobs took away all of theirs.

"He says he love you two times"...

@tomsomething: There's a cafe I go to, Kaffe 1668, that already uses touchscreen iMacs as registers. The touch panels are 3rd-party (obviously) but still! It's pretty cool to see them tap away on an iMac.

@siwex80: Nah, wait till you see Apple's NEXT patent!

If Apple ever puts out an iMac that instantly switches between OS X and iOS by tilting the display, I will tilt it back and forth and back and forth as fast as I can while giggling like a child.

Not only is the moon shrinking, it's moving further away from us. Only 3.8cm a year. But still! It's cool to think about. And the tidal friction between the Earth and moon will lengthen an Earth day 2ms in 100 years. In the distant future (not sure how long :/), full solar eclipses will no longer occur because

I went to an overpriced faux-Japanese restaurant in the West Village kinda like this before (my company paid for it, otherwise I wouldn't have gone). The tables were about shin-high in relation to the actual floor, and they rose from squares dug into the floor. So you're sitting on the floor but don't have to cross

@djdare: Haha, thanks. My English professors always smile when I give them my email.