
Who is that in the photo? It looks like the daytime hostess at the third best Applebees down the state capital. You know, the one who smiles to your face but you can HEAR her at the server station stage whispering about your wife’s heirloom cameo that she got from her Gram Gram being “obviously fake”.

Wait, huh?

Huh, I’m really surprised by the interpretation that he held her head down. I wish the scene had been a little more clear, as I didn’t see that at all and originally chalked her anger up to A. Being humiliated that something she hadn’t anticipated and clearly didn’t like happened B. In pain (jizz in the eye stings!)

This whole Issa Daniel oral sex thing is a borderline ridiculous storyline in 2017. If anything her being miffed at most would be more realistic.

Saying Daniel abused Issa’s trust is a reach. He was about to cum, got caught up in the moment and let off a stray shot - it happens. It’d be one thing if he didn’t give any forewarning at all and just did a pre-meditated nut in Issa’s face, but that wasn’t what happened.