
Hope it works out better for her than Michael Keaton in Multiplicity.

idk about you guys but in these dire times, Serac’s story about paris hit me some type of Way

So Dolores’ A-Team is....Dolores. That is some impressive narcissism.

The girl did as well. She nailed Kim’s speech and physical mannerisms.

I am loving this. Kim’s story isn’t about Jimmy breaking poor ol’ upstanding gal Kim, it’s about her reluctance to accept that she actually loves this hustling shit. It's a nice thematic Breaking Bad parallel - Walt loved being Heisenberg, Jimmy and Kim want to be the outlaw couple.

Someone get Rhea an Emmy already, please. I mean, come ON. Can we start a Kickstarter or something? Would that help? I don’t know how these things work.

“He’s the Anton Chekhov of nail salon lawyers.”

I just couldn’t believe he was cast as something besides a police officer this time.

Has the A. V. Club drifted so far away from its Mr. Show-loving roots that it fails to even point out a Jay Johnston cameo? Are the commenters so lost that it falls to a schnook like me, stuck in the grays of Kinja, to point it out? Good Lord, what have we become?

Shout out to that actress playing Young Kim. She nailed all the mannerisms and even the speech patterns of Adult Kim.

Rhea Seehorn is amazing as Kim.  

That opening absolutely wrecked me.

It was thrilling to see Mike the expert operator, plant the seeds for Lalo’s undoing and the setup come to fruition. The way some of the shots were framed just added to the noir P.I. type of vibe.

I’m not even sure how to articulate how I felt after what I just saw.

I was dying when “BARE GENITALS” appeared on the screen in the background

Did not see that coming until about 2 seconds before it landed. I thought she was out.

Legally, a person cannot be compelled to testify against his or her spouse. Therefore Kim is proposing marriage because she is all in, in spite of everything.

I am floored.

Fantastic episode. I’ve very much #TeamMaeve. ... while I hate tech billionnaires on general principal, I don’t supprt Dolores in her quest to “Host the World.” I do believe in Hosts Rights, but there has to be another way other than this “by any means necessary” quest, no? And I’ll always be #JeffreyWright, no

I’m only two episodes in admittedly, but this show is pretty fucking good. The scene in the beginning of episode two at the camp with the band almost made me break down in tears. And the Tarantino Bat-Mitvah is awesome as well...

Nothing you’re describing sounds anything less than B+ to me. I’m in.