
Misha Collins also launched one this week and if there isn't enough raised, will donate to the ACLU.

From another female vet, I am so damned proud of you.

I'm white and have no argument for that whatsoever.

Only weird people like the brothercest. The normal people like Dean + the angel.

It depends on what the story does; is it truly a creative take on the original work? A lot of fanfic is terrible, a smaller subset of it is incredible, and it's a playground where people do gain experience writing — where else are they supposed to get it, in a small writers' group with five people who don't want to

True, but there were other couples on the show, like Angela and Dwight and Kelly and Ryan and Andy and Erin. It was an ensemble show, not the Jim and Pam show.

Why would anybody do cosplay or go to conventions or collect action figures? It adds to enjoyment of the canon.

And she publicly criticized Woody Allen! I mean, hello, what a hypocrite. She lives in such a bubble of artsy privilege that her sister and parents both proofed her book and didn't see a thing wrong with it, apparently. Like, a typical parent would advise her child to respect her sister's bodily autonomy instead of

Nice catch!

Anna-the-angel's last name was Milton.

Great review, and welcome back! I was inwardly pulling for Misha Collins to do a good job because I just like the guy (and the Castiel character) but I forgot to watch for the direction after a while, so that's great, right? It flew by.

It sounds like "wife dick-sprouting fantasy man" probably loves his wife but enjoys pegging.

I have this Abed/Troy/Annie ship jones. I don't think many other comedies besides Community could pull of a really believable but weird poly threesome.

Yes, I mentally ship Jess and Nick, but a pregnant pause and a knuckle bump would have been so classic.