
I’d be curious what you learned about the move - my wife and I both have advanced degrees and are mid-career. We didn’t evaluate it seriously until recently (I’m not native-born, and this country’s hostility to immigrants is starting to scare me), but we’re going to stick it out and work for the causes we believe in

One correction - I don’t think it’s accurate to say that there were twelve tapes seized. The twelve tapes in question were ones that Trump’s team dropped their assertion of privilege to, and the Special Master in S.D.N.Y. turned them over to the feds.

“These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50% of the evidence in this case,” former prosecutor Linda Fairstein told the New York Daily News. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that

Let’s all remember: they are not protesting the anthem. They are protesting police brutality during the anthem, or supporting the rights of other players to protest police brutality during the anthem. There is a difference.

I’m always down for a reminder that Mark Millar’s goal in life seems to be to stiggit to the politically correct, and it’s really, really dumb take that diminishes his other accomplishments.

I guess that’s fair. I’m also a bit biased; growing up, my local KFC had the reputation of serving fried chicken two ways: salmonella and Hepatitis.

You’ve never eaten real fried chicken have you.

“(can anyone without Messi break down the French defense?)“

“I have seen no evidence that his personal beliefs have influenced his professional responsibilities and prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt,”

Why give someone like this the benefit of the doubt? If this individual were a judge, they would face requests for recusal all the time. If this individual were a

“...that’s part of the social contract”

This is the thing - I agree 100% that what you describe is part of the social contract. And really, messing with people’s food could be criminal depending on the circumstances. The social contract shouldn’t be broken lightly, because it tells everyone that we’re at a breaking

Spielberg’s War of the Worlds ends with, like, bacteria saving people.”

Just for the record, asylum doesn’t even require surrendering yourself at a port of entry and claiming asylum. You can enter anywhere, in any manner, legal or illegal, and you can still claim asylum. 8 U.S.C. 1158 is explicit on that. 

womp womp

This thread got a little derailed. Let’s get back on topic. The CEO of Southwest Key, a not-for-profit, made $1.3 million last year. His wife works for the organization and made nearly $300,000.

“Mike Leach might’ve officially lost it.”

The way to deal with class 1-3 is probably to start requiring individuals who will operate vehicles with class 1-3 semi-autonomous driving systems to pass a test as part of obtaining a driver’s license.

Cloned by zee Germans

“I guess this is less about LeBron and more about the type of person who hates him this way.”

It’s certainly not easy for an attorney to wear two hats, one in the courtroom/as a litigator, and one as a PR rep / influencer, and I actually agree it’s not usually a good idea, but Avenatti’s welcome to make a run at it. It’s not like Rudy does any legal work, he just plays a lawyer on TV.
