
Very, very agreed. And I often don’t like it when they ‘improve’ the music and translation.

I bought Akira on its DVD release and found I really missed the old voices, even if that translation supposedly wasn’t as good (although it certainly matched their mouths better), so I hunted a digital copy down in the bay of

I believe in supporting our beloved studios, but I’m not going to buy Chrono Trigger (again!) just so Square can never make a proper follow up.

I’ll go the way of that bird, the Emu, I think.

I already got it full priced for the SNES and again on the PS1. I enjoy the original on the bird, I replay it about once a

Proud of the new east wing of his house.

First sports related Waiting for Godot analogy in 2016.

Reset the clock!

(I liked the analogy, it made me smile)

I think they got the next round of questions for the GOP debate mixed up with their sports questions.

Uh, how so?

So a casual running can do a sub-3 hour marathon and that’s just really good?

I’m a casual basketball player, but I don’t think I’m going to outscore Lebron anytime soon.

Sheesh you crossfit types always think you’re competing professionally with the rest of us. Casual runners, like me, just enjoy

Purely hypothetical, but if someone, say me, now had a big boy job and can afford his gaming hobby he is always inclined to support good developers.

At the same time, hypothetically of course, this person, me, would go out of his way to find cracked copies of unfinished shovelware just to spite the big developers out

Streetfighter without an arcade mode. . . .

Can’t wait for Resident Evil as a generic Gears of War style shooter or Final Fantasy as a real-time, linear game with no turns.

Next you’ll be telling me that they released a Star Wars Battlefront game with no spaceships or a Batman game where you blow people up with a

I’m going to just start calling CPS to stand outside of R rated theaters with a little questionnaire for parents with their 5 year olds.

One of the few underlings with good sense.

Think about all those lunatics that keep running into the Hulk’s fists. Uh, just run the other way and never stop.

Yeah, baseball really needs to be working to milk the most it can out of it’s 1/8th full stadiums full of aging fans.

It’s already an excruciatingly slow-paced game (only Cricket beats it in that area) that lasts forever. Now we have vastly overpriced drinks and food in your uncomfortable seats and inflated ticket

I’m going to go out on a limb and declare that after every single male celebrity is dead, something will be found that is ‘problematic’.

So Bowie and Lena Dunham are both rapist?
Just like Chris Brown and Hope Solo are both domestic abusers? Gotcha.

If there’s anyone who should hurry up and follow Scalia. . .

And people say he was intelligent.
If I framed an important decision on what I saw in ‘Taken’ or ‘Transformers: Dark of the Moon’ you would rightfully include I’m a moron. But Scalia was ‘smart’ they keep reminding us.

Speak for yourself. *adjusts white wig, puts chamber pot on head, and orders my slave dog to fetch*.

I’m not having a party now that Scalia is dead, but I am happy, in a way that makes me slightly more hopeful for the future of my country.

Scalia was a bad person. He seemed to lack all empathy and was the living embodiment of what the feminist would deem ‘The Patriarchy’.

Everyone always gets into how smart he is,

No kidding. NOw, when I boot up an open world game and see it will take me, on average, 70 hours to finish it I just sigh and go play Party Hard or Lego Marvel Superheroes or a quick coop of Starcraft II.

I’m an adult, I want a quality experience, just hours of fetch quests and no-fast-travel wanderings over a vast

Two tickets to a horrible Michael Bay Transformers movie: 16-20 dollars for 2-3 hours of ‘entertainment’ with no replay value, possibility for DLC, or, you know, quality.

Throw in a small Coke and a medium popcorn and you’re at 30 dollars.

Supporting a studio who makes stuff you love by paying them less than you and

I agree. A Sanders win or Sanders pushing Clinton into actual progressive territory would be a great win for America and all the women who live here.

I still don’t understand how a totally subjective field like psychology is considered a science.

It’s like a chiropractor, it may make you feel better and many people swear by it, but there’s just no real evidence other than what this random dude is telling me is evidence.