
No. Homeopathy deserves to be shit on.

I think the real overall point poqgression is A) homeopathy is bullshit; B) morons still pay ridiculous money for it, because they’re morons; C) morons paying money for it attracts the shysters; D) the shysters care only for their bottom line, use dangerous crap because it’s cheap, and get away it because there’s no

Our overwhelming desire to avoid the Boogeyman of Sharia law has led down a rather ironic path.

I swear, the first homeopathy jerkwad who as much as mentions mercury will get a size 14 boot straight up their ass.

Agreed. I was primarily familiar with the cartoon version of the show, and while I don’t think the current incarnation was as funny, it actually has a compelling narrative arc and well-written characters with some complexity to them.

“Dick move.”

The big difference between this and the Warbuton show may be that Edlund has 15 years of pretty extensive TV writing experience between them, and has gone from trying to adapt the comics to trying to make a really solid show he has complete control over.

The VLM is mentioned in an earlier episode, he was a gardener who was assaulted and exposed to radiation. The radiation is very likely why he is growing and I suspect is also part of the Terror’s plan to defeat Superian, given that he was exposed to radiation and now Superian is getting headaches.

Hah, yeah, I had to laugh at that; not even sure that it was even product placement per se, I wouldn’t be surprised if Edlund & Co threw it in as a cheeky “see? we’re team players! renew us for more episodes!” aimed at Amazon themselves.

They DID get a big chuckle from me for making the last line of the episode, uttered by the Terror, literally, “Cliffhanger!”

I was hoping for a great Tick TV show. I wasn’t expecting a great Superhero Show. Take out all the parody and comedy and beautifully overwritten speeches, and you’ve still got a pretty compelling superhero story.

I don’t rightly know how many commenters are still, er, A.V. Club commenters.  I’ve already forgotten the face of my old username.

This woman truly gives vapid, bubble-headed, bottle-blond, impossibly lacquered, veneered, entitled, ignorant, naive Republican women a bad name.

Eight episode miniseries.

Hulkbuster Iron Man vs. Hulk was one of the better parts of Age of Ultron, particularly considering that Stark’s Hulkbuster gimmicks were things he’d developed with Banner to contain the Hulk if he got out of control.

Didn’t a rumor say that Batman would kill Lord by breaking his neck? Like what Wonder Woman did in the comics.

I know how the fight was resolved between Wonder Woman and mind-controlled Superman because the script has already leaked. Batman breaks Maxwell Lord’s neck, which would have went over really well with the Bat-fans I think.