
I thought it was fun and stupid.

This is a weird frickin movie about karate.

Hey it’s the kid with those fucking eyebrows from mazerunner.

Nearly ten years later and this is the one that started it all for Marvel!

This movie gave me a headache.

They should have left this script in the lead-lined fridge.

But what about the bees? WHAT ABOUT THE BEES?

A solid movie that got way too popular.

About 2/3s of the way through this movie becomes a nature documentary. Thrillers should be many things, but not boring.

I think he kills a dude in this movie by hiding at the bottom of a pool in an all white scuba costume and then shooting him or something.

I guessed the twist from the trailer.

Oh, so he was dead all along.

People talk about this movie like it’s dogshit but I thought it was a pretty solid if pretty standard Bond story.


B+? People still talk about this movie as a classic.

The trailer gives away what happens as soon as the title appears.

A goofy and harmless scifi movie with some decent spectacle and performances.

Wouldn’t it be wild if this movie ended up becoming insanely popular, turning a late-career Liam Neeson into an action movie star, and spawning multiple sequels and knockoffs, many starring Liam Neeson?

You ain’t gotta make up positive reviews about Coraliiine. This movie’s a peach, a doll, a pal o’ miiiiiiiiine.

This comes close to being good, but doesn’t congeal into anything great.