Old white guy

Since when do colonizers wait for an invite?

The majority of Whites have voted Republican in every election over the past 50 years, but every time a Dem candidate loses the first people to be blamed is always Black people.

Now playing

White people don’t like to hear that the privilege that they enjoy has come at the expense of first the Native Americans who were nice enough to not let them starve when they got here. And those thieves did what all thieves do stole everything from the people nice enough to help them when they would have starved to

Ms. Pipkins is never going to get her son back and there is no way for her to get things made right, but she’s going to win her lawsuit, and win big.  

Especially, apparently, if you’re a legal gun owner while black

Where is the NRA, or do they only defend white gun owners’ rights?

I am so angry I will immediately continue to not watch this obviously awful show.

Like all good liberals, I look forward to gathering around the tofurky and joining my family and friends in the traditional wiccan chant to summon the gods of the underworld to destroy America and change the holiday name:.

Watch this:

Can we get #okTrumper trending now please?

His brain dead base eats this shit up and with a propaganda network backing his every move he will become more dangerous if re-elected. The 53% bear the brunt of this because I expect white men to do dumb shit. The more I think about it fuck them too. It’s time we start calling out white men for their role in this

The only thing more horrible than his lies are the people who believe everything he says is truth.  


Your post from yesterday was a topic of discussion on Meet the Press today. 

1) I’m printing this out in it’s length and entirety to frame on my wall. This is some David Frost, Ned Brooks level history here.
2) Pete’s reply had me scrolling through my phone to see the footage of MH and PB duking it out on World Star Fight Comp of The Week. No such luck.
3) This was cathartic as fuck. It is true.

Why do people (and I don’t think it’s just republicans, although you know they’re big on all this) feel that the prison system should be a money making operation?

and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing

Because slavery can exist as punishment so they will milk that as much as possible. 

I always just wonder what “on demand” means. The pregnant woman...asked for an abortion? I mean, what’s the alternative? Do they think providers are just going around performing abortions on women who didn’t ask for them?

It’s no different when psychotic morons says that “God” told them so, or “God” said it to them.