I literally have a signed piece of paper in my wallet that I present to racists acknowledging that I do indeed have a white friend.
I literally have a signed piece of paper in my wallet that I present to racists acknowledging that I do indeed have a white friend.
(The third thing you should know is that I actually keep a small photo of the mouse from Pinky and the Brain beside my bed that says: “What are you going to do today, Michael?” The answer is always the same: “Fuck with white people.”)
noting that multiple witnesses identified another person as Dewitt’s killer—reports that were withheld from the boys’ defense attorneys... using coaching and coercion of other teenage witnesses to make their case
While I agree with you, I will give the CURRENT prosecutors in this case a bit of praise for actually admitting a mistake was made in the past. Most prosecutors defend these convictions tooth and nail, regardless of the evidence that has come forward.
I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that all these republicans, with their ‘consitution is king!’ and ‘small federal government like the founders wanted!’ and then turn around and argue that the executive branch is almighty and all-powerful and above all distractions like impeachments and subphoenas and stuff.
Would not be surprised if trump hasn’t already asked Barr about pardoning this brave first responder from this miscarriage of justice.
Why do people (and I don’t think it’s just republicans, although you know they’re big on all this) feel that the prison system should be a money making operation? From cheap labor to charging fees even airlines would say were exorbidant, it all just seems like they see this as the next best thing to indentured…
and force “taxpayer-funded abortion on demand, anytime.”
Do NOT trust anyone when they said they’ve been “called” about anything. It shows a delusional mentality.
Is this the movie one producer wanted Julia Roberts in the starring role? Maybe these folks were upset by he casting?
I know I’m old and haven’t been to a theater in a while, but they have seat assignments now?
stated how staff members turned the lights on inside the theater, prompting other moviegoers to ask for one of the 504 Queens to leave the premises.
The noose is part of our heritage!
I would love to see those so called evangelicals all up in arms over abortion be upon arms over all these precious children never knowing their mother.
Chief Parrish said there’s a chance she may be charged as an adult.
But he was a great general, so who cares he fought against the United States.
Or that confederate soldiers were traitors to their country.
And once again, another police department that apparently believes it is the public’s duty and requirement to de-escalate situations, not the police officers who are doing the escalation.
“The West Memphis Police Department owes my family an apology, they owe my sister an apology, and they should be ashamed of themselves,”
I still have yet to figure out the Christian “belief”(I.e. outright hatred) towards the LGBQT community over their religious beliefs, but seem to have no problems with pedophiles, adulterers, prevaricators, the greedy and the prideful, the divorced, etc, etc, etc.