Old white guy

but was reinstated in 2005 “for reasons that remain unclear,” according to CNN.

As one living in the area during that time, I can honestly say these two are the ultimate definition of domestic terrorists. They literally terrorized the dc md and va area for over a month. Shocked they didn’t cause lawmakers to define domestic terrorism (esp. since there was a Muslim and POC angle here) 

Hate oneto be a complainer,but your headline calling Malvo an “accomplice” minimizes the fact he was a co-murderer. Accomplice has an implication that he was a mere getaway driver, or helped Muhammad while he murdered. You don’t even mention he killed directly until late in the article.

But....but.... revenge! I mean deterrence...

...Lee Merritt, the family’s attorney, tweeted on Monday. “We need to see this through to a vigorous prosecution & appropriate sentencing. The City of Fort Worth has much work to do to reform a brutal culture of policing.”

Hey, I’m outside a person’s house, doing a welfare check because the door’s open. Well, obviously it’s a break in. No one would just leave their door open. Wait, the screen door is closed. Maybe someone left the door open to get some fresh air. Nope, that can’t be it. Must be something nefarious. Pull out gun.

Atatiana Jefferson, 28, was gunned down murdered in her home

Well, they threw that in there to keep the police union from crying a river about being disrespected.

Maybe I’m just a millenial wanna-be, but does inclusion in the “dusty, old-fashioned dictionary” actually give someone identity or meaning? Are people actually referring to the dictionary over, say, any other resource on the internet these days, in order to understand terms? And after it is added, will that be enough,

Me being white and old and out of the loop, I can honestly say I have never heard of the word “jeggings” in my life, seen it in print, or heard even one person use it. I can’t even fathom what it means (except as a combination of two other words. Like a pair of jock-strap included leggings. Or leggings to go jogging

But I’m sure the fw murderer’s union lawyerseill be fighting this.

Also pointing out that in Fort Worth, the cop resigned before he could be canned (in hopes of getting his pension no doubt), but at least the department filed paperwork to show he was dishonorably discharged. I Believe this is to prevent him to get benefits and retirement money.


And then prosecutors not refilling a murder charge (because why?).

Now now, hrc is an old white person who just says what’s on her mind. Chelsea is of the younger generation who is very concerned about the delicate white people who might be offended if they were called out on their racism as being, well, racist.

I hate stating the obvious, but this is why blacks need to strive to get past all the barriers being thrown up and elect more black people into local legislateures. Maybe white liberals would do, but they haven’t shown much ability or interest in pushin towards true police reform, from transparency to civilian review

So you’re saying that “super negro” is just a myth and not every black person?

It reminds one of Dallas police releasing a search warrant results list (the ONLY information released after the Jean murder), that happened to show they found weed in the apartment.

American law enforcement, proudly killing unarmed and/or innocent civilians for 230 years.

American law enforcement, where they still train “shoot first, ask questions later”. Where they hire those who fear the unknown and believe the only way to face fear is with a loaded gun.