Are black people allowed to form militias? Or is that restricted to white’s only? Or would it not matter, because whites would just call them a ‘street gang’ or back to ‘black identity extremists’ and crack down on them.
Are black people allowed to form militias? Or is that restricted to white’s only? Or would it not matter, because whites would just call them a ‘street gang’ or back to ‘black identity extremists’ and crack down on them.
When do we hear from Republicans that this proves racism has been solved so the only racists are the ones who call out so-called racism?
Yeah, the ‘stealing’ of elections by getting people out to vote is just shameful by the democrats! And they’re ‘stealing’ the election through all the ‘illegal’ voting that the liberals encourage. For example, did you know that liberals want anyone to be able to vote if they are a resident and meet the voting…
You can tell this is the strategy of someone of incredible and unmatched wisdom, right!?!
You didn’t have a vote! You’re not letting republicans take up a bunch of time asking inane questions, thanking people for service, and shrilling pointing out it’s a witch hunt against the greatest american ever born.
Interesting. The original Equalizer was the 1980s version of an Uber driver (he was a cab driver). The Denzel Equalizer was a Home Depot manager.
Wait! Didn’t trump just announce he was going to help kill thousands of Kurds in Syria? And that’s ok?
Wait, you mean you didn’t mean to literally hang 300 pound Donald trump around the necks of each of his supporters, in an attempt to cause pain, anguish, and possible death to all involved? But that’s what you literally wrote! Even though it would be impossible to do.
Totally agree. She didn’t win 21 medals just because she is black. No ones giving a black woman a gymnastics because of her magical smile. The years of hard work, especially AFTER she succeeded, when she could have just retired and took it easy for a while. And dealing with a bunch of coaches who probably kept…
Hey, I give the guy props for saying they stopped watching the nfl because of the tattoos and not that it’s filled with “thugs”.
Nope. They’re oyster crackers. Which are the most bland, stale, tasteless, cracker existing,
If their hair is a mess, you can be sure. Hence the reason for my lonely days in college. Well, that and the lack of muscles, impending riches, and popularity.
You see the white girl angle all the time with missing girls.
How come it’s always black people holding cell phones getting shot as “looked like he was armed!”?
Republicans going to republican. “The constitution says everyone is equal! But since it doesn’t say you can’t fire people because you feel “queasy” around a gay person, you should be able to do it!
I can’t believe that people working for the government would do something like try to change open times of polling places to be more limited in black area, or define what is a valid ID and list a large number of university and colleges (small or large)but omit every HBCU in the state. And don’t get me started about…
If trump thinks this is bad, he should get the Clinton treatment of being investigated for a bankrupt land deal, murdering an advisor, and getting freaky in the Oval Office. Hell, People still Larry did in Vince foster.
I thought it was just industry approved people who would give them Sweet energy contracts. Perfectly legitimate....
What exactly is this “heritage” they are so proud of?
I just can’t understand anyone who says the police ‘deserve’ our respect, when this is the usual for police departments and their personnel. You don’t ‘deserve’ respect because you took a job and wear a uniform. You deserve respect because you earn it. And few do anything to ever earn that respect. Most are a bunch of…