Old white guy

The only pilot they had was a woman, and you know pence, so he had to cancel.

Hate speech

How many lives did he ruin? Great, you dropped cases or vacated convictions, but the victims are already scarred, jobs lost or never got, children taken away from their parents, victims having to spend even a minute in jail .

Two things:

I kicked her out because she was so nasty,

I want to know how they were able to break her lease.  Was there a “no blacks (dogs)” clause? 

She them for the house, then offer to the black friends you had over to hold a cookout at your house, all expenses paid (just save us a plate).

Well, I know I refer to my black friends as “that’s black people”. It makes it sound like I consider them “People”.

I’m confused? They need the testimony of someone who was being held on a psyche eval? The defense would have just mentioned the guy was psychotic at the time and doesn’t remember what happened.

Wait? How does one clip their toenails on a flight with their shoes on? Oh, don’t be telling me that they pull out their nasty feet as well?

I’m sorry, I’m new to this whole thing and all, and I’ve not been to New York City in like 40 years.

I would have thought with that history he either would have (1) ignored the man, or (b) called the police while walking away.

Is the woman talking about cat fighting and using the term “meow” the same woman who just last month was decrying the criticism she was getting as being anti-woman and sexist, or something like that?

Waiting for the obvious response that “this is not what border patrol is about” and “we don’t tolerate such actions” and then “we need to hear the complete story to get to the truth” to move on to “what the girl claims is not what really happened” to “if you could see the video, it’s completely different, but we can’t

Everyone on both sides are cartoonish?

“his impact on employment and aggressive stances toward China and Iran have been positive,” Yahoo reports.

Yeah, yeah, your account was ‘hacked’. That’s what they ALL say!

I still can’t fathom who would willingly do work for Donald Trump or his companies and not insist on getting paid up-front. Unless your a huge pal of his, you have to know you ain’t getting paid. It’s how the rich stay rich.

The White House claims that the city agreed to use its own money to pay for Trump’s inauguration costs, a claim that the Bowser administration has called pure and utter bullshit denied.

Yes, it as we know, it’s an election year (because it’s always an election somewhere) so this will be shelved by Mitch because they won’t want to do anything that might make a trump opponent look good.