As long as they don’t ban horns, you’ll still hear NYC drivers.
This works with my kid. Only downside is people in Target parking lot deciding whether to call cops on you for putting kid in “trunk”.
Flex is a solid choice. Aside from in-laws yelling “what the hell IS that thing??!!” when you drive up the first time.
I remember some time back that there were incidents of stealth dumpers in Jersey City leaving behind befouled paper towels which became famous as “crapkins”.
“We’ll get your pizza to you within 4 days or it’s FREE!”
It seems like any person’s credit information should have a freeze on it by default. Why leave things open? Obvious answer is that products like LifeLock and Equifax’s credit monitor make money from this set up. At this point, leaving things open is negligence on the part of the credit reporting bureaus and they…
“Hi Jalopnik, I enjoy organizing my belongings like a glacial game of Tetris. What car should I buy?”
2nd Gear: Ford CEO Meeting The Union First
This car is a nice example of why car companies should consider updating the idea of bench seats. This two-door can hold six people, while a modern Lexus RX, with doors everywhere, can only manage 5. I would like a modern car, like a Flex, that holds 8 or 9 people.
Good reminder to not stand around while people do donuts with zero barriers. At least pretend to be safe. Stack a hay bale or two in front of yourself. Or, if you have some hefty friends who irritate you and borrow your stuff all the time, stand behind them.
“For your reference, the car would have cost about $26,000 at a dealership 20 years ago.”
I use LiveCode (, which is very similar to HyperCard and SuperCard. Runs on Windows/MacOS/Linux and there is a community version here:
I saw a well maintained one over the weekend and was amazed at how fresh it still looks. One of the cleanest designs out of GM.