O Superman

Pam Grier's character was straight, actually.

Yeah once I had the regen accessories I was able to do each dungeon in one go without really ever being at risk of running out of SP.

It's hard to pin down exactly - I would say it follows the tone of 30 Rock quite closely, maybe a little bit more absurdist.

Nope! Sorry you didn't enjoy it though, it's probably just not your thing.

Yeah, it was Sierra, who I'm guessing was also feeling burned over the legacy advantage.

Their antibiotic protocol is actually about sourcing meat that doesn't get raised with antibiotics at all, since antibiotics are used to assist in overcrowding of livestock pens and generally inhumane conditions. It's not related to the e coli outbreak, which wasn't from the meat. So in this instance, they were

I think that's pretty valid, and perhaps is even more pronounced in the UK version. David and Michael both have their worst traits amplified by being on TV - it gives them an opportunity to really let their performative, eager-to-please sides take over at the expense of their jobs and personal relationships. (Although

Not sure if you checked again, but they apparently did end up debuting three new songs last night. That doesn't get to your argument about swapping out some of the other songs, but at least they did add some new material into the mix.

I'm pretty sure it takes place after the "regular season" finishes. They present it like it's happening right after the episode but I would imagine it all goes over a day or two. Mainly, everyone seems WAY too relaxed and easy-going to have just been freshly eliminated. Also, this week they said something like "Amanda

I've heard of kids who discover that meat is animals and have a reaction like that. 3 seems early for it but it's probably something like that, since Jamie clearly still cooks meat himself.

I can accept Katya being on the list (although I would disagree) but her Snatch Game was not one of the things I would celebrate. It was a pretty by-the-numbers Bjork impression a la Winona Ryder or Kristen Wiig.

Yeah I really disliked that episode actually. It was just so mean-spirited at the cost of actual insight.

You mean Christopher Guest - David Gest was Liza Minnelli's weird husband :)

No, he said Michaela was "making sure Hannah knows what time it is" in a sort of faux-urban tone. It wasn't terrific.

I live in Washington DC and I'm honestly kind of afraid.

What a coincidence, Big Gay Disappointment is the title of my memoirs!

"'Katya' is a very specific character of Brian's while Alaska is like Justin's true manifestation. I can see Brian leaving Katya in the box for a while, while Alaska seems inextricable."

That's fair. I haven't revisited AS1 since it aired and just remember being really put off by that challenge, but it might be fun with some distance.

I just said that there were still Alaska supporters there, not that there's no backlash. And I don't think I've been rude, but I'm sorry that it came off that way. You've been just as passionate. Again, I just think there's room for a less polarized reaction.

I haven't said anything about math, and I think people are being a lot more mature about the conversation than how you're describing (which is part of why the AVClub is great.) And even on other sites like Reddit, there are plenty of Alaska fans.