
It appears to me no real damage, can you say the same about the bikes?

No it isn't, damage was done after the driver run over a rider, get your facts straight.

I love it. Driver runs over bikers, bikers chase after him, damage his car and beat him, people then retroactively justify the hit and run based on damage that was actually in response to hit and run.

Looks in pretty decent shape, wonder how those bikes that got run over by the RR fared.

OK then , Mr Law&Order, that justifies running over him with 3 tons of SUVpussywagon ? he deserves to be run over by 3 tons of pussywagon and be paralyzed ,right?

Thanks Scepticcalspook for being just about the only one here making any rational sense !

Also since when is committing not one but two hit and runs legal? He deserves to do time. And I hope he does. This whole stand your ground mentality would mean martial law. He made a grave error in judgment. Even a small fender bender caused my an SUV to a biker can kill the motorcyclist. And if someone hit a friend

Doesn't seem like a good solution. Why not ban bicyclists? Or group car drivers? Why not ban cars too?

If the cops don't charge the RR driver with something, then a huge injustice has been committed, and it will only go to prove that NYC doesn't like motorcycles.

I'm not a biker, but the way this is reported on (in general, not jalopnik specifically) and the police reaction smack of anti-biker bias. The Lien guy should pretty clearly be charged. First he rear-ended a guy, then he fled the scene and ran over a guy. I can understand worrying about his family's safety, but the

Here's a solution to stay safe:

I'm not saying there aren't problems elsewhere in the country, but I don't think anyone can deny things are worse in the inner city. This problem has nothing to do with race and everything to do with education and upbringing.

Jay Mieses shouldn't be demonized in this series of events, and the man sure as hell doesn't deserve to be paralyzed for life as a result of this mess of events. More then one witness said the guy was literally coming over to help up Cruz with his bike before Lien basically ran him over. He was not involved in any

Please stop with this "oh if only he had a gun" nonsense. A gun is much less dangerous than the Range Rover he was already in. Firing a gun while inside a car is a good way to deafen yourself, your wife and your infant child. Firing a gun with any accuracy while driving at speed is impossible. Firing a gun