
I gotta say, praying in public is kind of weird to me.

“People have a right to believe whatever they want.”

True... some of us believe praying is an useless practice...

Yes, prayer is bad. Mollifying idiots through imbecilic ritual stunts the intellectual growth of our species. We will not - and can not - advance until the morons who deify their imaginary friends are silenced.

Don’t force your bullshit on everyone else. I was raised Catholic. My bullshit meter was calibrated and tuned by the time I was 12. Fuck off.

If you bothered to read up on history, you’d know that decades ago when the Evangelical Christian movement started pushing for school prayer (people like this jackass), there was actually outrage across the board from fellow members of the clergy. Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim alike (plus thier individual

Wishing for something to happen will never make it so, not now, not ever. If you believe wishes come true you’ll believe anything; the real problems begin when wishers vote other wishers into office where they create wishing-based legislation instead of using science/reason to guide their thoughts. Wishing has

Way to completely miss the point, or rather way to ignore the point because you wanted to shove in your own stuff.

People drive their cages like shit everyday and basically shut down highways because of a little rain. It's nice to see the hwy shutdown for a cool reason. Don't hate.

One time, my fiance and I were driving our nice new Dodge Ram through a bit of a thunderstorm...

Okay, you’re well spoken, and you seem intelligent. You can’t honestly believe what you’re saying. You know damn well that what he meant was “China is a human rights disaster, and they have better sick leave policies than we do, we should at least aim to do better than China”, not “China is awesome when it comes to

This was Bernie’s tweet: “China — not exactly seen as a model when it comes to human rights — provides 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. The US provides zero.”

Okay, just for fun, let’s go with a democrat. How about Bernie Sanders. Can you find examples of him pulling faces, mocking other cultures, or allowing out and out disrespect of the president at his rallies?

When you’re born with a silver spoon in your mouth (and/or up your ass), you lose any and all reason to develop the personality and social skills of the average person. You begin life and each interaction from a perceived superior stance, and after a while of people putting up with you acting that way, it becomes your

It doesn’t assume all. What it assumes is most people are familiar with the concept of the sovereign nation state. What it assumes, and most correctly, that the sovereign nation state is the easiest to understand. What it assumes is that at the macro level that it is the main relevant unit to understand the

Wait you are actually blaming the motorcyclist? So if you were jaywalking on a busy street and I swerved to hit you, youd got what you deserved? Seriously?

“You remind me of my first wife.”

Stop giving attention to these clowns. They’re an embarrassment to this country.

Citroen Mehari: A small, economical, utilitarian SUV that could take anything and was cheap to buy.

What does that have to do with it? That is like saying why does United Airlines need a simulator that costs 50 times as much as a Cessna 162?