
My wife and I commonly quote “Shish, Shish, Shish!” to one another. Watching Jon Favreau and his wife do the game is my favorite thing in the whole world.

What a bummer. My wife and I were really hoping they would do the story and the people justice.

I’m honestly not trying to argue. And if it makes you feel better, I am sorry that I got into this conversation.

Really??? I feel like you could if you tried.

I don’t disagree.... Obviously MAGA hats stand for everything wrong with the world but if Rhianna wore an L.A.P.D. hat it seems like something odd to freak out over. It’s even odder to write an article about how freaked out you were that she wasn’t wearing a the hat but you thought she might have been.

This seems like a really unnecessary reason to “have a heart attack”. It’s a hat.

If it’s Catholic get a Crucifix and see what happens, I guess.

Where’s the halloween scary stories post for 2020????

Jezebel... WHAT THE FUCK????

I once convinced a coworker of mine that my great great great great uncle invented standing in line. I told her that it was back in Germany and everyone was just milling about waiting for free rubles and then he was like, hey let’s make a line.

The idea that the promotions caused a big ruckus while being well meaning is a pretty great description of Ms. Maisel.

My Dad was an avid fisherman and when I was about 7 he started taking me fishing with him. I was concerned that the hooks would hurt the fish but he assured me that fish did not have nerves in their mouths and therefore could not feel pain.

I don’t think Drogon could kill Jon. I think he wanted to but because he had that sweet fire blood, Drogon couldn’t flame him. So instead he flamed the shit out of the throne next to him like... Fuck off fire blood you killed my mom.

He just lost the only person he ever loved and killing is literally his job. Then his boss starts nuking shit... I 100000% believe he would have done that.

While I agree the writing could have been much stronger, I believe every single character in last night’s episode acted in line with who they have been shown to be for the entire series... I’d love to hear others who disagree with that sentiment... Convince me!


I struggle with this show this season because I feel like they’ve made Olivia the villain and while I am sure she will redeem herself, it’s just a shitty last season to give us.

Did someone forget to tell Elisabeth Moss that they weren’t actually filming the show at the awards ceremony? Look at that facial expression...

Forgiveness doesn’t mean equal no punishment. You can and should forgive someone and still send them to prison.