
How can it help? As someone who has dealt with this personally, I can tell you that many people who haven’t went through it don’t see a miscarriage as a real loss... This can help parents to legitamize it and help the grieving process. So that is one postive aspect.

She is a deplorable... He should not have hit her. Phsyical violence is never the correct answer. But hate speech is also never okay.

How about Grey’s Anatomy?!?!?!?!? Will ya please cancel that show already.

I thought we all already agreed, he has no nads.

Maybe they should cast Sinbad. He has lots of experience playing a Genie!

Did you like... Try to talk to him about it?

Sure am glad you took the time to write this article. Totally worth the read. Totally.

You really sound like every other trump supporter ever.

At that moment I realized that the mouth guard had shattered again, and I was alive.

That was it.

No one deserves to be treated like that for any reason. That guy is a dickface.

Yes... Everyone was personal everytime. So this is fitting.

He looks like a character from Mos Eisley.

I used to work for a company owned by Steve Mnuchin... We called him Steve Bdoochen.

They earned every bit of this ratings drop with poor storytelling and boring characters. It makes me happy to see this happening.

Sounds like a bad Greek impression.

Great use of a click bait headline... Well done!

I accidentally did this and couldn’t figure out why my wifi was working... And suddenly stopped. i bet it was when I closed the window.

“Usually I’m always pointing out some issue with a cosplay because it bothers me personally”

“Usually, I’m just a big curmudgeon who has to shit on everyone’s day but...” There, I fixed that for you.

But what if they shit on the bench during the national anthem?

Cool as long as they are standing?