
Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.

In a just world he would be the world leader in getting hit by trains;

Everybody knows Jill Ellis’ diary is just “longball it to Rapinoe, Morgan or Wambach”

Because they’ve mostly been watching the USWNT party like it’s 1999?

Granted Japan has been strong for years but how can people say the women’s game isn’t improving? They’re just such a joy to watch once again. Technically gifted, methodical and so calm in possession. And the Netherlands had some great spells of play. A young, inexperienced team with a bright future I think. Not a bad

I hope that’s right, but what worries me is that it doesn’t seem like any other player seems to get that keeping the ball is a good idea except Tobin Heath. Now, this could easily be a function of there being literally zero real central midfielders playing at any given time, and it’s quite possible that Heath should

It does seem that there is something deeply wrong with the US team. Just look what happened after the finish of the game. Every other team that has won has been jubilant about making it to the top 8, but the US was just there. I don’t think they even hugged each other or celebrated in anyway, just formed the line and

Christen Press


Listen kid just cause your parents were cousins doesn’t mean you have to take it out on the rest of us.

Pretty sure Resolute Blue was talking about the word “faggot,” though I admit that using “f-bomb” for anything but “fuck,” etc. does make it kind of confusing.

Fucking moron.

Do I expect tweens to use the word “faggot” like you did? Yup. You’re in great company. Go finish your summer school homework, son.

I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.

Jordan would have fixed the A/C

I'm not following. We have written plenty about McCutchen, Trout, Harper, and many other exciting baseball players. Aside from that, though, you can't compare Puig to Tebow because Puig actually is an extremely talented and interesting athlete, whereas Tim Tebow is not all that talented or all that interesting. So,