
Or a dealership with a 70's Porn star name.

As if selling Chrysler products wasn't enough of a scam already...

The listing is in Central Falls. Anyone who is from this area stops asking any and all questions as soon as they see that little tidbit.

Wait... I thought they were built at ford’s plant in Belgium?

I didn’t realize Michigan was in Mexico...

To show my patriotism, I’m going to go buy a Mexican-built Dodge and put a Calvin pissing on Germany sticker on the back window. That’ll show ‘em. Hey you leftist fucker!!! Where’s your flag pin?!!?!?

FUCK! I feel so duped! I can’t believe I ended up with this crappy sub-par and cheap Golf R. If only I had purchased a kwality american car instead! Oh, wait, the only american equivalent is a Focus RS? OK! I’ll buy that!

The Egyptian Grain Pyramids say otherwise!

From my experience, a lot of doctors are almost like savants. They’re good at what they do, and practically nothing else. Especially driving and computers.  

Yeah this makes no sense to me. Is this just because EVERYTHING in NY costs more? This seems pretty sketchy.

$30 billion?????!!!!#$%#$@