Your post cracked me up. I miss Sheila, but she must behave better. Sounds like a fun day with your son.
Your post cracked me up. I miss Sheila, but she must behave better. Sounds like a fun day with your son.
For the second time, my light did something by itself. Last week, it came on. Today, while the handyman was here, it randomly turned itself off. My guess is that is has something to do with the damaged remote (the light is part of a ceiling fan), but it’s still a little eerie. Luckily, I’m not in an old house.
Amazing! SO happy for you.
If it helps you maybe NOT want a margarita, I made one on Friday that gave me heartburn. Tasty, but then painful. Dang old age.
I’m proud I called a handyman to do some things I needed done around the house. That sounds lame, but I’m a total introvert, so these kind of phone calls are not easy for me. He came today. Two hours, and months of procrastinating went away. Very satisfying. I also did a TON of painting myself, as I’m getting ready to…
I love this story.
I really dislike Trent Dilfer on the mic. He’s always twice as loud as anyone he’s paired with and I therefore can never regulate the volume of my TV correctly.
Holy shit! I just realize vocal fry is the reason I can’t listen to Henry Kissinger—ever. I have to mute or change the channel when he comes on TV, which is unfortunate because he generally has interesting things to say.
You take that back about Cherry Coke! Cherry Coke is delicious.
Also, do any of these people have eyes? Just look around any MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, US Soccer etc. game, and the stadium/arena is filled with women. FEMALE fans. My Facebook feed is filled with them every week—women cheering our college teams, our pro teams, our freakin’ sons’ and daughters’ teams. Many women LOVE…
Every REAL Gator knows that Mick Hubert’s radio call is the only call that matters.
OMG, I remember these perfume bottles. I don’t know who had them, but I remember playing with them when they were empty. These passed for “toys” in my day.
I love Squirrel Monkey!
46, never married. Would MAYBE do it under certain circumstances, but it’s not something I think needs to happen for my life happiness. Am also ok not having children, and no one can tell me that I might “change my mind.”
Love the werewolf/guitar god. I bought a headboard (& bunch of stuff from Home Depot) to help me sell me condo. Keep me in your thoughts, y’all. I really need this.
I hate this guy and his stupid wife SO MUCH.
Hitch your wagon to a...devil.
Everyone I love is in the path of the storm. My Facebook feed is crazy. My poor, poor home state.
Don’t hate me. I kind of love it. (But I do love me some windows.)
V.C. Andrews was addictive to me as a pre-teen. The good side effect was that I stayed addicted to reading and even taught English for awhile. Also, although those books peaked my sexual curiosity, I didn’t actually have sex until I was a respectable college age, so maybe they did their job? I don’t know. I just know…