bamboo trampoline

Hair conditioner has too many perfumes and additives/allergens for some of us with really sensitive (leg) skin. A very plain soap is better for me, then a very plain lotion after I shave said legs.

I shave my legs (with a bar of soap) every day, so to me that counts as washing my legs. They’re soaped up (which involves rubbing with soap); I just run a razor over them instead of a washcloth.

Even the smoking in the hospital didn’t give it away for me. I am so, so dumb.

Complaint: Somebody got my old job (which I wasn’t asked back to do this year--sad face). I mean, it obviously had to happen but it still stings. Good luck to him.

On Jezzie recs, I bought some aerie underwear. I love them!

Good luck with last chemo. You will kick butt!

Finally watched “The Godfather” trilogy last year. Hated it. Very misogynistic. “The Exorcist” is good. I’ve never seen “Ghostbusters.”

Try reading her short story “The Lottery.” It might be more to your liking.

And do a rooftop bar!

I’ve lived here in the Northeast without A/C for the last 17 of my 20 yrs, but I’m from the South so I have a very high tolerance for heat. April in NYC is very hit or miss. I find it very wet and cold (as mentioned), but sprinkled in with some glorious days. However, people don’t go other places for Spring Break for

*Castle [Shirley Jackson is a gem.]

My experience here is that April is cold and wet, but usually pretty with all the spring trees flowering toward the middle to end of the month. September or October is your best bet weather-wise. Also, bring good walking shoes. I’ve lived in the NYC area for 20 years and my favorite thing (besides eating outdoors at

Internet hug.

I actually liked that detail. Because though it’s probably “gross” in some people’s eyes, it’s realistic to a woman’s body. Much appreciated.

19 states still allow corporal punishment. In 2016. There’s a map in this article. Plus, PBS Newshour covered this topic just last week—prior to back to school.…

Are you crazy? The 20/20 Experience is AMAZING. All of it.

Biscayne and Dry Tortugas are rated way too low. Both are amazing. Where’s the Florida love?

I wish you could move somewhere she doesn’t know about. Like a witness protection program type of thing. For real. :(

Must we bitch? Can’t we just celebrate for one night? Please?