I haven’t dated in over 10 years. Sometimes that “just do you” thing lasts longer than you originally mean for it to, but I have to say, I’m a lot happier without all the hassle.
I haven’t dated in over 10 years. Sometimes that “just do you” thing lasts longer than you originally mean for it to, but I have to say, I’m a lot happier without all the hassle.
You are Michael Jackson!
You can do it. Hang in there, mama.
My mom volunteers at the animal shelter (petting kitties and helping to adopt them out—yay!), and it makes her feel warm & fuzzy herself. I love when I’m home visiting and she comes home full of joy. She’s recently retired (a few years), so volunteering gives here a way to give back and to spend time socializing with…
This is amazing, and I love you for it. Best of luck. (P.s. My parents swear by Aldi. Their prices really are the lowest thing going. Wish we had one here.)
Do it. I wanted to do the same but never got up the courage with my parents. It pretty much happened as you describe, with practically strangers in a bar at a fun/not-fun happy hour. And even after a good friend from home tried to help me get an appointment with a local therapist where I live, it never panned out…
Hmm? Maybe do more things you’re good at? Like drawing or joining a book club (or cooking class, etc.) or taking up a recreational sport? Or perhaps volunteering somewhere that needs you? I have this lack of confidence problem myself, but I would really like to be helpful to my fellow man/woman. I used to run on a…
But then you could adopt one of your own, yes? I hope so. Many pooches need a good home.
Nevermind. Mark must’ve ungreyed me too. Thank you, Mark. I will miss reading you around these parts. Best wishes to you & the hubby.
If you can help it, don’t take a job that might potentially make you miserable. Wait for something better. Just my two cents.
I think writing sounds therapeutic. Plus, you can live vicariously through your characters, which might be a good start. I say go for it.
I say leave it alone at this point.
I don’t have any advice except to say that you sound like a very stand-up person and your boyfriend is lucky to have you. I am sorry for him and you, since neither of you brought this on. I hope he finds a way to heal. Communication seems key, but it sounds like you have offered that in spaces. So just be patient, I…
I can only tell you that at 44, I’m glad I never had kids. It’s not the end of the world, even though it might feel like it at 39. But if it’s important to you, don’t let your ex—or anyone else—stop you. You have to do what’s best for you.
Do not—under any circumstances—go over your budget (whatever it may be). The stress of that alone can kill you. Stay with what you can afford, and you should be fine. Also, don’t skimp on the home inspection. Hire someone reputable when the time comes. And always be willing to walk away if at any point the deal sours.…
I started a new job this year (after 15 years at an old one), and it was terrifying. But now I love it. I hope you will, too.
Me too! Me too!
Damn it. My two guesses were Dioner Navarro or Russell Martin. I’ve only ever gotten one of these Disgusting Baseball Chins right.
Fool* me once, shame on you...
It’s harding than it looks. There’s also the whole mouth-cramping thing. :(