“A lot of this is the fact that Obama was an ineffective president.”
“A lot of this is the fact that Obama was an ineffective president.”
Yeah, no change.
I didn’t really need another reason to hate him, but I’ll take it.
Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels
It’s worth pointing out that most Hunter College High School kids don’t come from high income households. It’s a public high school but students all across the city can attend regardless of where they live provided that they obtain a certain score on the entrance exam and keep their grades up. It’s like Stuyvesant or…
Hunter is an elite public school, and there’s a fair amount of economic diversity. (I’m a graduate.) These kids are just assholes. It has very little in common with the other fancy high schools in the neighborhood. It IS, however, a terrible, depressing place.
There is currently raging within #JetsTwitter a truly depressing and heated debate between Fitz loyalists, who somehow believe the statistical worst quarterback in football so far this season is being scapegoated; Geno stans, who defend his two full seasons of futility as attributable entirely to a truly bad…
How about you just don’t read the posts that don’t interest you? Perhaps go for a walk and yell at some clouds instead.
“I don’t immediately jump to molesting her. I wait 10 years. But so we’re clear, I’ve called dibs on that.”
Darelle Revis appears to have finally fallen off a cliff this year, and his cap hit is $17,000,000. This is year two of a five-year, $70,000,000 contract.
Egdar was a better player by a little bit, but that’s not denigrating Ortiz. Both should be in the Hall.
I would root for the Red Sox to win the World Series, but I’m afraid that kind of success would cause the Boston sports fan base to lose the generosity and good natured friendliness that they are famous for, and turn them into a bunch of loud, obnoxious, arrogant, fuck butts.
They enjoy being assholes. It’s that simple. There is no other explanation for this non-story.
I’m not a number 1 fan of either Bush Sr or Jr...but the Bush’s aren’t racist. I don’t think there was an emergency family meeting when Jeb married a Mexican woman. Bush Sr coined the term “voodoo economics” in talking about Reagan’s “trickle down economics”- and is voting for Hillary. After 9/11 W went out of his way…
I’m not sure if this is earnest or not, but I feel like this is pretty dumb. Who knows what was possibly going through her mind? Who knows how she feels about Bush? Basing conjecture on a two second snippet from a public event just seems unnecessary to me. What is even the point of this post?
GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.
Shut up, bro.
(Jets miss an extra point)
People who resell shit at absurd markups are the worst. Broadway tickets, limited clothing releases, when new Nike’s drop, etc...
It’s not for everyone, but since so many people watch it some feel like they have to tune in. They don’t.
If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. That simple.
There are plenty of hugely popular shows I dislike, so I don’t watch. I don’t keep watching it and write think-pieces on why it’s terrible every time a new season…