Poor Very Serious & Conflicted Motorcycle Cop Guy. Who could have possibly known that leaving $20,000 in a backpack at his nutjob alcoholic mom's trailer would work out poorly?!
Poor Very Serious & Conflicted Motorcycle Cop Guy. Who could have possibly known that leaving $20,000 in a backpack at his nutjob alcoholic mom's trailer would work out poorly?!
Could've been rock salt, or a rubber bullet?
Ahh, I was going to comment on the awful Afterward show, but you beat me to it! I made it through about ten minutes before having to shut it off…just brutal. Whoever that guy is that AMC got to host the thing should probably not do anything on live tv….ever. His delivery and everything he said were excruciatingly…
It happened a bit faster than I thought it would, but man, I really do not like Noah.
Ahhh! No kidding! Dad of the Year: Jax Teller!
My parents divorced when I was a kid, and I think I still spent more time with my dad than Jax's kids do. Even from the get-go it always felt to me like they were nothing more than a plot device, like you said.
Excellent point, and I think your "watch the club's descent into chaos and depravity" is a lot more palpable and makes more sense, than still seeing Jax as some sort of tragic hero after all this. The choices I was more referring to were his choices to stay with the club when he could have left with Tara. First (as I…
Oh what could have been. It seems that the writers were only thinking about getting a shocking ending for last season, without much thought given to how that would actually work.
I was wondering that too! How is everyone, especially her of all people, so infatuated with this asshole? He did everything he could, even something as sick as exploiting an old drug addiction, to keep her away from her own son because she was being a nuisance to him. He likewise only let her into his son's life…
The "made it right" toast was some pretty sickening bullshit. How does doing a bit of violence that he was planning on doing anyway-with more violence on the way, of course-come anywhere close to "making it right" for those women, who died largely as a result of his stupid choices? Short of raising them from the dead,…
I really dig Mr. Nathanson using the 'royal we' in his assessment of this whole deal.
Because then trying to add that plausibility to it would annihilate the neatly tragic/vengeful/chaotic conclusion that they want to tie it all up with.
Hmm, yeah. That WOULD have worked a lot better. I'm almost sad now. O' what could have been! The whole vengeance thing just rings very hollow now, much like the rest of Jax's crap from the past few seasons.
And I never would have guessed when I started watching this show, that he of all people would be the longest tenured character holding the honor of "most likable"! I thought he was kind of a moron back then, but 1) he proved me wrong and 2) everyone else turned out to be so much worse. Ha!
Ahh, the endless supply of loose ends and enemies! But don't worry, he'll write something resembling a sane perspective in his journal about it at least!
I binge-watched the first couple of seasons. Now I just really can't take anymore. Burnt out on Jax and his bullshit.
The fucking cancer. A plotline nearly as tortured and overwrought as Jax's half-assed "I want a different life, poor meee" shtick.