You can. I donated to Wendy Davis. Prolly gonna throw this lady some money as well.
You can. I donated to Wendy Davis. Prolly gonna throw this lady some money as well.
Well, she’s already gotten her ass kicked running for that job once, in 2014.
No, you’re actually a pretty significant moron.
I was listening to th news on my way home and the reporter was interviewing a woman at a shelter who said some of her neighbors stayed behind because of their pets. It broke my heart
You’re obviously too young to remember Hurricane Andrew.
Yeah. Who the fuck does the governor of a state think he is, warning citizens of a very real danger.
But why wouldn’t you tell her that, if you thought it might help her get the hell out of there?
Uh huh, because some people are told if they leave they will lose their job and they are poor enough that they stay because they must.
I’m sorry your dad did those things to you.
You’re not smarter than the shit you took this morning.
“I was really afraid it would get destroyed”
You need psychological help.
So, you shrilly “call me out” for something I didn’t actually say- and have never said- and that makes me a troll.
I was shocked (shocked!) by your damning accusation that I “star my own comments,” as I don’t recall doing that. But, sure enough- I scrolled through my recs, and did in fact apparently star one of my own…
You’re not very good at this, are you?
“wow, thanks so much for your brilliant insight. gosh the rest of us liberals are just so dumb!”
The FBI investigated her for falsely denying that her actions as Secretary of State helped cause the bloody civil war in Libya? Or that she lied about her support for TPP?
It’s unfortunate that you don’t know how to read, because I’ve not written at all about “how frequently men are falsely accused of rape.”
I’m sure you thought that was somehow clever, but not so much.
You really are mongoloid, or your really are brain damaged?
So, you think the media should take Clinton to task for her falsehoods about Libya, TPP, and her scandals?